Heroine Fashionista

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Damien had run through so many places, it was a wonder that he was still running actually as Dick would later reveal to the others. Damien had been all over Gotham, streets first, before donning his suit and going over the rooftops when he had been unsuccessful in his search. In fact, his only break in running himself ragged had been when he had sat down in the bat cave and started going through the internet and technology looking, scanning, searching.

Tim had not taken kindly to being shoved to the floor in this and so was not in a mood to help him in the frantic search for....actually...

"Hey Demon brat, what's got you so frantic?" As normal, no answer, but the search in the news articles solved that for him.

"Really? Marinette's gone missing?" He said with a grin. Of course, while Damien had classes, their father had decided to take Marinette for a visit to the Watchtower for introductions to the league. She had been baking cookies to take over there all morning. He just wished he had been able to snag some.

"You know, as great a system as this is, the league's one at the watch Tower is better." He comments idly. Damien was up again and running.

"You're welcome!" He shouts after him. Dick entered as the youngest Robin ran past.

"Woah, what's chasing him?"

"Apparently, Marinette is missing. Who was supposed to message him that Bruce was taking her to see the Watchtower and so they may be home a little late?" Tim responded.

"I think Jason was. But who knows." Dick said.

"Oh well, he'll be able to see Marinette soon," Tim said as he regained his seat.

Damien, as Robin, burst into the watchtower main area, doors slamming the wall as he raced through. He sat down at the first available computer he saw and started manically going through the same motions in the Batcave. He blinked when the chair was spun around to reveal a bright red suit.

"Hey Robin, what's wrong?" He asked. Damien shook his head.

"We were going to meet at the cafe, and I waited and she never showed and it's Gotham, so anything could have happened." He babbled as other league members approached to try and soothe the obviously terrified and scared teen.

"Wait, Robin who is she? Who are you talking about?" Superman asked. Damien meanwhile, is trying to turn back to the computer to look.

"If I can look through the cameras in the cafe, I can see when she got there, and see when she was taken, I know the route she would have taken-"

"Robin, let us help you. Who are you looking for?" Superman tried again. The elevator opened and Batman walked out. Damien's head shot up and upon sight stood up and ran to him.

"What's going on here?" Batman asked. The other heroes started to talk as Damien cut them all off.

"ANGEL IS MISSING!" The suit his father wore made more horrors fill his head. If his father had donned the suit and Marinette was missing, then it could be really bad and-

"She's in the lounge." Robin was off like a shot, hurrying to see she was okay, that she was fine. Batman watched him run before shaking his head.

"Ladybug." He said to the others and instantly, the others understood. How couldn't they? Ladybug had been deemed a popular hit when she entered with Batman from her bright smile to the tray of delicious cookies she brought.

Damien had reached the lounge. The doors just like before burst open with a bang as his eyes frantically searched the room. There, his angel was kneeling at the side of Wonder Woman, who stood very still.

"Angel!" He started to barrel across the room, intent to grab her and never let go and maybe tell her he was scared to death because she missed the meet up at the cafe-

"Stop Robin. Miss Ladybug is really busy and needs to focus." Wonder Woman spoke sharply. Damien stopped and looked. Marinette had a notebook next to her and a series of numbers. He stared as Marinette straightened and muttered numbers to herself, jotting them down.

"What is going on?" Damien asked, refusing to move away.

"Ladybug here is a designer, she got annoyed over some of the super suits, particularly mine and Black canary's can you believe?"

"You are fighting crime in heels. There may be some advantages and you are an expert in running in heels now, but you run a serious risk of injury with rolling on a loose rock or anything. And what is with the tights for Black canary? She has no protection with those and her specialty is hand-to-hand combat. She could get seriously hurt. And don't get me started on the lack of stuff you guys can carry. There's no pockets or belts and this is infuriating!" Marinette ranted out loud apparently still irritated by it.

"She offered to make a more sensible and protective costume. With pockets." Wonder Woman smiled endeared by the girl. "So you wait there, while Ladybug is busy. The process of work must not be interrupted after all."

Damien scowled and turned away, and sat on the nearby couch. He watch the two talk and laugh as Marinette measured and wrote the numbers. Damien's leg bounced as he waited. Eventually, Marinette was finished and the two hugged, with Marinette promising to get to work on it as soon as possible.

As soon as Marinette turned around, she was engulfed in red-green, and yellow, with black cloth blocking half her view.

"D-Damien, can't breathe." She gasped.

"Good. Do you have any idea of what the time is?" He says, holding her as close as possible. If he brought her a little pain maybe next time she wouldn't make him worry so much.

"I don't know, we came here a little after 1. Has it been an hour already?"

"It's been more like 4 hours. You had me worried when you didn't come to the cafe." He stepped back finally to glare at her, "you did not show up or respond to any messages."

Marinette was white as she pulled out her yoyo and confirmed it was, indeed after 5 in the evening. She let her head fall on his shoulder. Just muffled Damien heard her mutter, "the costumes were amazing and amazingly bad." Damien blink. His angel, got distracted, by the clothing of the heroes. Why was he not surprised, she was a designer, she would get distracted by clothing, and try to design something more amazing.

"Next time Angel, a message would be appreciated." He chided, patting the top of her head. She stood back and smiled.

"Can we go get that coffee now?" He felt the smile grow on his face, as he took her hand in his.

"Of course."


This is not My Story.

Creator of the Story :

@madness grows more madness

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