Dame Chanceuse Couture AU - (The Devil)

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The Devil

So, Lucifer obviously hears about this boutique even before it gets out in the magical community that the owner might be a literal goddess. He likes high-end, practical fashion and that's damn hard to find, and this girl is supposedly the best at making classy, practical clothes! Of course, he's heard of her!

He decides on a whim, after hearing of her supposed magical powers, to take a little trip to the City of The Damned And Depraved - aka 80% of Hell's yearly income - and give this Marianne a chance to make him a suit and see if she's as big a deal as she is made out to be. After all, humans tend to dramatize - he would be a hypocrite if he said that was a bad thing - and don't know true power. It couldn't hurt either way.

So he and Maz go to Crime Alley, to the little shop at the edges of the district. He isn't impressed with the appearance. It looked like a building awaiting demolishment, entirely unimportant and hardly worth a second glance. And yet... and yet it had an allure about it, though he suspected that only he and Maz could feel that. All the other humans milling about ignored it completely.

Regardless of the drab outside that was so not up to his standers, they went inside. Needless to say, they were a little floored by the difference. The inside was elegantly decorated, crystal chandeliers hanging evenly spaced from the ceiling, walls painted a simple yet beautiful grey, comfortable seating scattered masterfully around the room, colorful gowns, suits, dresses, accessories, and jewelry displayed proudly. No this was more of his style. The owner was clearly confident that her designs were enough to draw in customers, the way she displayed her pieces. Lucifer had to commend her for that. Most places overdid it on the chic and glam, and their clothes were horrendous.

A small bluenette came out of the backroom, her hair pulled into a topknot that displayed her red streaks quite well. She was dressed in one of her own designs, he could tell. After all, one couldn't get such a lovely quality 50's pinup dress in the red and black polka-dotted fabric at any ordinary store. She greeted them both with utmost delight and absolute professionalism.

He had felt all the magic and power in the building as soon as he set foot inside it. There were several concentrations of godlike power all over, on both the second and first floor and the girl was by far the most powerful of them all. She was a swirl of chaos and order, creation and destruction, life and death, with some other things thrown in dimly. She was a bright star in the midnight star.

Maz looked at him, slightly alarmed. This little human had more power than she did. And just barely less than him. She felt human, but no human should have so much power.

She asked them what they wanted to which Lucifer said he hasn't decided yet and if she wouldn't mind showing them what she has and can do, that'd be great. Usually, most store clerks got annoyed with him at that point but this girl just smiled and nodded, starting to show him around the store, explaining the cuts, fabrics, types, accessories, etc. He watches her for signs of pain, stress, etc. That might come from having so much power in a human body but found none.

They all go in for the fitting, during which Mari offers them pastries and tea, apologizing for not having offered them earlier. They don't see the problem and are enamored with this tiny godlike seamstress. They talk about LA, the differences between Gotham, LA, and Paris, the celebrities who are currently popular, locations they wanna see, etc. It's just a really relaxing time overall and Lucifer and Maz find themselves forgetting that this is potentially the most dangerous person on Earth.

On their way out, Lucifer spots four stuffed animals on display and stops to admire them, thinking about getting one of them for Trixie. Mari asks her if he wants her to make a custom one for him. Startled by her, he just nods and they run through a short series of questions in which Lucifer basically describes a demon. Mari doesn't question this. She works primarily for the Criminal Underworld. This isn't the craziest thing she's been asked to do.

The next day they come back to pick up their clothes. They are sort of surprised at the quick preparation but since most of them were just adjustments, it was believable. Lucifer got a lot of outfits but I'm just gonna give you two unique designs because otherwise, I'd die. Plus one for Maz.

1. A black suit with red velvet lapels, dark gray low neck lined dress shirt with black suit pants

2. A dark red deep V-neck shirt with black skinny jeans, and a black leather jacket.

3. A black lace bralette, leather skinny jeans, a crisscrossing leather harness-like thing that forms a pentagram on her chest with holsters for knives.

She also made Maz a belt-like halter for a knife that could be adjusted to her thigh, arm, hip, anything. Mari also made Lucifer a couple of rings with red and black gems and a pin that looked like two spread wings with a chain between them that could be pinned to suit lapels, collars, etc., and two cufflinks that looked like red devil horns.

She made the demon plushie adorable yet creepy and even threw in an angel plushie, giving him a little envelope to give the recipient of the plushies. The note inside says, "A little Angel and Demon to guide you through life. Sometimes it's fun to listen to the demon ;)". Lucifer laughs when he hears what it says. The Detective thinks he wrote that or paid someone to write it. It was all Mari though.

They both love everything, paying extra as per usual, and head back to LA satisfied and much less worried. Honestly, they sort of forgot the reason they went to Mari's boutique in the first place. They both adore their clothes and wear them quite a bit, both feeling a little luckier when wearing them. Trixie adores her new plushies and sleeps with them both, taking them everywhere. Somehow they never tear, her dirty, etc.



The Penguin goes to LA for business and stops by the Lux to check out the LA nightclub scene since he was thinking of redoing some aspects of the Iceberg Lounge.

There he sees Lucifer and immediately recognizes his suit as one of Mari's designs.

From there he proceeds to start chatting him up, mentioning his suit to confirm before contacting the rest of the MPS. The rest of the Rogues make it to LA in record time (Thanks to Lex) and immediately adopt him into the group.


This is not My Story.

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