Marinette with a Constant Hickey - Headcanon

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I think this is a Headcanon, but If not then please correct me.

It is well agreed upon that Damian is the most protective and possessive boy there is

That is why he is so happy when he was finally able to give Marinette a hickey

What better way to tell other guys to back off than with a literal mark

Marinette is too pretty for her own good

Damian wants it well known that his Angel is taken and well-loved

But of course, Marinette does not approve

There are better ways to deter love rivals

Not that she hasn't given her fair share of hickeys in return

But Damian takes it to a new level

There is literally a constant hickey on her neck

She's tried covering it up with scarves before

That just lead to them getting stolen by said sucker

Damian: "Dammit Marinette I gave you that hickey for a reason"

She also tried to make up

Also stolen

She finally got a compromise with wearing her hair down to hide it

It's got extremely bad when they're going to be apart for a long time

Marinette swears one time her whole neck was purple when they were going to be separated for 2 months

Marinette was not amused and had to send Dick out to buy her an emergency scarf

She didn't have the material to make the scarf again thanks to Damian

This hickey obsession has caused an Akuma at least once

While Damian was in town a poor boy from another class developed a crush on Damian's Angel

The nerve

Damian being the master detective he saw what the boy was planning to do and strolled up to the pair wrapped his arms around Marinette's waist and gave her a kiss on the neck where her hickey is

Damian: "Hey Angel who's this?"

The boy stormed off but came back as the Lover determined to destroy Damian and make Marinette his

Damian *with Marinette glaring at him as they run from the Akuma so they can try to transform into their hero personas*: "Still completely worth it"

After that Damian was punished with no kisses for a month

Damian was forced to watch as his constant mark faded away for the first time in months

And it drove him mad


This is not My Story.

Creator of the Story :

@Welcome to the Book Groove

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