The Great IKEA Game - Chapter 2

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Disguises and Calling Cards

They skirted along the edges of the showroom. Damian explained his brothers were tech wizzes and would no doubt be watching the security cams if they already had access.

"Our first line of business is to mess up their ability to track us," he said, taking out his phone, "we need to disable the cameras completely."

Marinette blanched, could he disable the security cameras with his phone alone?

"We can't do that! What about the rest of the customers? They need to be watched. Those cameras are used for safety."

Damian rolled his eyes. "Great I've landed myself with a partner who had no sense of the bigger picture."

Marinette huffed, "I do too, but we need to think of consequences. The security team will shut the system down and restart everything. Which leaves us at square one again."

"Well I'm not hearing any ideas from you," he snarled. Damian pointed to a small corridor out of the way. "Let's go there until we figure out a plan."

Squeezed between two displays, their chests inches apart from one another, Marinette realized how tall and muscular Damian was. He could easily command a room with his presence alone - her designer brain, constantly on as it was, nearly drooled. He'd make a superb model.

She shook those less than useful thoughts away.

He peered at her with a tilt to his head, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "So... what's a girl from Paris doing moving to the most dangerous city in America?"

"I thought that was Bludhaven."

Damian rolled his eyes, "Depends on your definition of dangerous. I'll take the drugs and gangs over the Joker any day of the week."

She shrugged. "Gotham University has a good fashion and design program."

"Other cities have better ones," he responded.

"I wanted a change of scenery."

"Prettier cities exist which aren't villain infested."

Marinette didn't know what else to say without sounding like a loon. 'Oh, I came to Gotham because an ancient magical box full of tiny gods pinpointed this location as a well of chaos and misery. It needs the attention of the wielder of the powers of the universe, which is me, by the way. Hi!' She was sure that would go over just swell.

"I guess it was luck."

"Bad luck, perhaps."

She smiled. "I'm not one for having much bad luck."

"I would say you do, your shopping trip has turned into a showdown between very competitive brothers. And you happened to get stuck with me."

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