The Great IKEA Game - Chapter 7

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The Liars' Waltz

The light of day was a welcome change to the artificial lights of the building. Although what captured Marinette's attention first was the dramatic decrease in sound. High above on the roof, only the faint wisps of cars and people could be heard. Mostly it was just a low humming noise from a nearby air conditioner and the whistling wind.

Marinette stood in a sunlight patch, turning her face to the sky, letting the warm rays hit her skin. She closed her eyes and sighed. Still full on doughnuts and coffee, running on the adrenaline high of their first successful elimination, the warm sun was like a cherry on top.

Damian cleared his throat.

Marinette opened her eyes, biting her lip. "Sorry, feels nice to be outside."

Damian shrugged. "That's fine, your actions mirrored someone I know." He turned his head away looking across the roof for where to go next. This granted Marinette a pleasant view of his side profile.

'Damn that jawline could cut glass,' piped a little voice in her head. She waved it away, now was not the time for those thoughts. "Who?" she asked.

He startled, turning back with a sheepish expression. "My... cat. Pennyworth. He likes to stretch in the sun, as you just did."

She paused; did he just compare her to a cat?? It took a moment before the statement's hilarity hit her and she started to laugh. It took over completely, bending her at the stomach forcing her to close her eyes, she gasped for breaths between bursts of laughter.

"Sorry, sorry," he grumbled, his cheeks a flustered red. "I will refrain from comparing your actions to an animal again, but I don't see what you find so funny."

"No," she wheezed. "No, that's not the problem." Just the thought of being compared to a cat was hilarious. Plagg would never let her live it down. Tikki had the same love of bathing in sunspots, but to a cat owner, yes, she must have looked exactly like one. "I'm sorry, I'm not-" she took a big breath finally subsuming the laughter. She placed a hand on Damian's shoulder. "I'm not laughing at you. It's an exceptionally long story as to why I find the comparison funny."

Damian's cheeks were still red, but he looked less offended now. "Perhaps you can tell me another time, we are still on the clock after all."

The warning of their limited time finally drove away from her last giggles. "You're right, you're right. Sorry. I've derailed us. Another time." She was pleased, that, even after making a fool of herself Damian still maybe wanted to know her when they were finished with this crazy hide and seek game.

Crossing the roof to the back edge they peered over. Down below they could see semi-trucks and workers unloading and offloading boxes. Off to one side of the backlot was a shipping container maze. A few were scattered around, open to the workers pulling material off them, but the rest were waiting. The lot, compared to the warehouse, had far fewer people working, but it was open, with fewer places to hide.

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