Chapter 181- 182

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Chapter 181 – Public Display of Affection

On the second day, Emperor Xiaohui decreed that Lei Tie and Lei Xiangzhi were "to be in mourning and disregard of reasons" and given seven days' leave. If the parents of an official of the Imperial Court die, no matter what the official post was, he must return to his ancestral home for 27 months from the day he learned of the funeral – that was to be in mourning. As for "disregard of reasons", he did not need to comply with this regulation, nor did he need to be removed from the official post.

With the identity as the State Defender Duke, it was very convenient for Lei Tie to act and he found some things – two bodies were discovered in the mass grave on the outskirts of the Capital. Through the coroner's examination, they were identified dead by poisoning. One of them still had a quiver on his back. The arrows inside were just the same as those that were used to shot Du Shi dead. The clue was broken here.

It was a bit tricky because they didn't even have a suspect. If they couldn't find out who was behind the scene, there might be other troubles in the future.

Qin Mian believed that Emperor Xiaohui must know something.

"I'll probe into the palace." Lei Tie made up his mind.

Qin Mian hesitated. With his and Lei Tie's ability, there would be no problem in probing into the palace with the soul sense without being detected. But his and Lei Tie's movement must have been controlled by Emperor Xiaohui. If they got clues from the Palace and followed the new clues, it would be a problem to answer if Emperor Xiaohui asked them.

Lei Tie didn't want him to worry, "Get the clue first."

Qin Mian also felt that he thought too much. At present, the most important thing was to find a breakthrough.

"Alright, be careful. I'll go to the drugstore as usual to avoid suspicion."

Due to them pretending to fall out with Lei Xiangzhi, besides showing his face in Lei Xiangzhi's residence on the day of Du Shi's death, Qin Mian went to Ruyi Pharmacy and Jewel Pavilion as before after a few days. People who paid close attention to the State Defender Duke Establishment now knew that Lei Tie and Lei Xiangzhi were truly falling out.

Qin Mian rode on horseback on the road, still wondering why Lei Daqiang didn't rush to the State Defender Duke Establishment to fight for Du Shi's injustice or take advantage of Du Shi's death.

He still overestimated Lei Daqiang's sense of shame. Lei Daqiang wanted money and life, but he wanted life more. Du Shi's death scared him. He had made up his mind to disown Lei Tie. However, he didn't give up the idea of taking advantage of Du Shi's death. He wanted Lei Xiangzhi to ask Lei Tie for a large sum of money as compensation. As a result, Lei Xiangzhi's heart turned so cold that he was depressed for several days. Some people saw that he was a lot thinner than before, which consequently cemented the brothers' conflict between him and Lei Tie.

In the State Defender Duke Establishment, Lei Tie sat on the bed with his knees crossed and eyes closed as he skillfully controlled his soul sense to enter the palace. After entering the palace, he began to look for Emperor Xiaohui. Luckily, he found Emperor Xiaohui in the imperial study.

Together with Emperor Xiaohui was Imperial Prince Ming.

Imperial Prince Ming was about 3~4 years younger than Emperor Xiaohui. Contrarily, his appearance was scholarly and less rigid than Emperor Xiaohui. He sat upright in the elegant fan-shaped armchair.

These days, Emperor Xiaohui was also investigating the death of Du Shi. At this time, his face looked cold and his mood was in a bad state.

"How's the investigation of the State Defender Duke's stepmother?"

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