Chapter 040: Live In a New House (2)

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"How did you do that, little gongzi? You can cut into shreds faster than the master in the big restaurant!" The assistant had a look of beyond comprehension and shortly after, he scratched his head in puzzlement, "But, I didn't see you use a chopping block either?"

Qin Mian put his hands behind him and said mysteriously: "I can, not only peel and slice this thing quickly but also cut it into shreds quickly. Manager Liao, what do you think?"

Liao Zhifu offered directly and delightedly, "50 taels!"

Qin Mian felt very satisfied. He handed Liao Zhifu the small tool in his hand and spoke nicer words, "Exactly as told, Manager Liao is a forthright man. Otherwise, we won't go straight to you."

After seeing what the small tool was about, just like the noodle manual maker he bought last time, Liao Zhifu's face once again showed a strange expression of both pleased and depressed.

Qin Mian took a sip of tea with a smile. "Manager Liao, if I hadn't peeled potatoes until my hand was bloody that day, I wouldn't have thought of such a convenient tool. This is what I came up with at the cost of my blood, so the 50 taels you spent won't be a loss." This was pure bullshit.

Liao Zhifu didn't know whether to cry or to laugh.

Qin Mian passed him the remaining drawings. These drawings were nothing peculiar, only more modernized for their own used to be made in this shop.

After making appointment to deliver the goods in ten days, Liao Zhifu politely sent them out.

Half a month later, the new house had been ventilated. The furniture arrived a few days earlier. The new house could be lived in but Qin Mian and Lei Tie were not in a hurry, they carried the furniture into the new house trip by trip. Coincidentally, Lei Xiangyi and Lei Xiangli saw them and came to help out.

When the sun set, everything was settled.

Qin Mian looked at his new home with appreciative eyes. After the entrance gate was a yard of about 60 square feet. There was nothing in the yard at present, only a small house in the northwest corner, which was a bathroom. In this ancient era, it was impossible to make the bathroom as it was in the modern era. It was just a place to take a bath, with a big tub and a drainage hole in the corner.

Into the main house was the living-cum-dining room. Placed beside a square pine wood dining table were two dining chairs of the same material, while against the wall were a settee and a coffee table, all of which were of modern styles. There was a window embedded in the south wall that was half larger than the window of an ordinary house, so the hall was particularly bright. Thick reddish-brown, absolutely still curtains added some warmth to the autumn air. The conditions were limited, or else Qin Mian wanted to lay marble slabs on the floor of the central hall.

On the left side of the living-cum-dining room was the kitchen. The kitchen stove was paved with marble slabs, it looked smooth and clean. Having a cupboard, more dishware was added. The commonly used ones were placed in the most convenient position and the rice, flour and oil also got their own spot. The kitchen and the bathroom in the yard shared the south wall, but because the bathroom was smaller, the south wall of the kitchen could still open a window, providing sufficient light.

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