Chapter 096: The Small Mansion Gate

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"Servants will take our leave." After the nine people saluted together, they went running with Lei-Qin Le.

Lei Tie said to Qin Mian, "I'll accompany you today."

Qin Mian smiled, "Good, I'll accompany you too."

Aunt Fu and Uncle Fu lowered their heads and looked down.

"Are the two coachmen gone?" Qin Mian asked Uncle Fu.

Uncle Fu said, "Yes. They left early this morning. They asked me to convey their gratitude to the young masters."

Lei Tie saw Qin Mian's unconscious action of supporting his waist. "Uncle Fu, go contact the building materials shop in the town and ask them to send some bricks and tiles."

Uncle Fu asked, "Yes. May I know how much Eldest Young Master needs?"

Lei Tie said, "Based on the house where Little Young Master and I live now."

"I've got the estimation. Will go at once." Uncle Fu left in a hurry.

"Forget one thing." Qin Mian said to Aunt Fu, "Aunt Fu, the new people are treated the same as you three. You tell them all. Besides, if they need any daily items, let them report to Uncle Fu to purchase them together."


"That's all. You can leave."

After Aunt Fu left, Qin Mian stood up in a somewhat awkward posture, "A-Tie, I want to go soak."

"Together," Lei Tie said.

White Spot, who lay in the corner, seemed to hear a sound and came running with its tail wagging.

Qin Mian then brought it together into space.

As soon as they entered the quadrangle courtyard gate, he and Lei Tie were simultaneously stunned. Their eyes fell on the pink ball in the flower bed. It seemed that overnight, the pink ball had doubled in size. The previously round flower bud finally split into very hierarchical, tightly clustered petal tips.

"I didn't expect that the flower would grow very fast. Is it suddenly enlightened?" Qin Mian joked and went over to touch it. The flower bud was slightly elastic and very comfortable to touch. Suddenly, his hand stopped. A trace of surprise appeared on his face. Was that his illusion? He felt a vague sense of delight from the flower bud. Did it like his touch?

"What?" Lei Tie had a keen observation.

Both of them didn't notice that White Spot didn't run around as soon as they entered the space as before. Instead, it looked at Qin Mian and Lei Tie in turn, with a very strange expression. Then, it ran away with its tail wagging.

Qin Mian shook his head. He didn't know how to answer, so he said, "You touch it."

Lei Tie's big palm covered the flower bud, and he was also surprised.

Qin Mian knew that it was not his illusion just then, so he took Lei Tie's hand with a smile and let him touch the flower bud again. "I'm sure this flower must be a wonderful flower when it blooms! Since it likes it, we'll touch it when we water it later."

Although Lei Tie felt that touching a flower was a little weird, he still nodded, "Go soak."

They no longer paid attention to the pink ball and went to the spiritual spring.

Lei Tie filled a barrel of spiritual spring water with a bucket, which was directly heated by an internal force. Qin Mian lay inside and sighed comfortably. Lei Tie rolled up his sleeves and massaged his wife's waist.

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