Chapter 013: Finally Divide up Family Property and Live Apart!

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Lei Daqiang then said: "Eldest, I disagree. Why don't you think better? If you really move out, where will you live? In the woods? Well, don't talk about it anymore."

With that, he got up to leave.

Lei Tie looked into his eyes and said lightly: "Ten years ago, I left; ten years later, not that I'm really unable to leave again."

Lei Daqiang's face changed a lot and his hands hanging on his side trembled slightly. "You!"

"Eldest!" Du Shi was unable to contain her anger. "Did you not take your father seriously? You are unfilial!"

Lei Tie looked at her and said, "I'm unfilial; I didn't fight back when I was beaten and scolded by you. I'm unfilial; you let me live opposite the pigsty, I have no objection. I'm unfilial; because a word from the fortune teller, I married a man."

He looked at Lei Daqiang again and asked plainly still, "I wanted to ask a long time ago, am I your son?"

Even Qin Mian as an outsider who heard this was feeling heartache and sympathetic towards Lei Tie.

Lei Daqiang opened his mouth but didn't speak. He didn't dare to look into Lei Tie's eyes.

Lei Chuntao's eyes were red and she couldn't help crying out, "Father! Mother! Just agree to it! Big brother doesn't owe us!"

Du Shi raged, "You shut up! You favour an outsider instead of my side!"

Lei Xiangzhi sighed silently and with a gentle voice, "Father, let big brother move out. We're still a family even if he's separated." In a word, the relationship between Lei Xiangyi, Lei Xiangli and Lei Xiangzhi with Lei Tie was passable. Lei Xiangren was the most exclusive. But the reason was that he was the first son of Du Shi. When he was very young, Du Shi's attitude towards him and Lei Tie was quite different. Du Shi's attitude towards Lei Tie affected him to some extent, so he didn't like Lei Tie at all. In this respect, he agreed to let Lei Tie move out. As for Lei Xiangzhi, who was only five years old at that time, what could he understand? Later, he was educated and understood the principle of showing love and respect as good brothers should. Although his relationship with Lei Tie could be regarded as deep, neither was he willing to bully or insult him.

"Fifth?" Du Shi looked at Lei Xiangzhi incredulously, but could not say a word to him.

Lei Daqiang fell into his chair feebly, "Fine. If you want to move out, then move out."

"Old man!" Du Shi glared at him.

Lei Daqiang ignored her.

Lei Daqiang had made up his mind, and Du Shi had no choice but forced to say: "If you want to move out, you can. But there is nothing in the house for you to take."

Lei Xiangzhi and Lei Chuntao frowned.

Lei Tie only looked at Lei Daqiang.

Lei Daqiang sighed and said: "Eldest, you know the situation at home. In the house, there are really no extra things to share with you. If you are in a hurry to move out, your brothers and I will help you build a thatched cottage to live in first. The farmlands, all together are only some. When the Fourth and Fifth married, there will be more people, so we can only give you one mu[1] of paddy field and one mu of dry farmland. As for money..."

[1] Mu = classifier for fields; a unit of area equal to one-fifteenth of a hectare.

Zhao Shi, Qian Shi, Lei Xiangren and Lei Xiangyi all perked up their ears.

Du Shi interrupted Lei Daqiang and said without emotion: "Are you a confused old man? There is no money at home."

Lei Daqiang said: "You gave me 20 silver taels at the beginning and I spent some money during this period of time. There are still 10 taels left. I will give you 2 taels."

Qin Mian sneered in his heart. When Zhao Shi bought a fish in the morning, Du Shi asked her how much it cost. He heard Zhao Shi's reply clearly: 11 wen. That fish was about two jin, which was about 5 wen per jin. Therefore, 20 silver taels were not a small amount. He and Lei Tie did not throw a ceremony during their marriage and nothing else happened in Lei Family in more than a month, so where were the 10 silver taels? In particular, Du Shi was such a provincial miser that he did not believe that the Lei Family had no savings at all.

Even at this time, Lei Daqiang was still calculating toward his own son. In public, Qin Mian couldn't pat Lei Tie on the shoulder, so he quietly patted Lei Tie on the leg under the table to comfort him.

Lei Tie's face was as usual, his mood unreadable.

Lei Daqiang wiped his face, seemingly wanting to wipe away the shame on his face. "As for the household tools and so on, there is no extra... Of the two pigs, one is originally going to be slaughtered for the Lunar New Year, I'll give you some in due course. What do you think?"

Lei Tie asked: "Where will the house build?"

"Th..." Lei Daqiang faltered out a few words, "There is no extra land at home and there is really no spare money to buy land for you..."

Du Shi laughed out a sound and said slowly: "Eldest, at the beginning you gave 20 silver taels in one shot. I don't believe that you didn't keep any to yourself at all."

Don't tell me it is wrong to return the 20 silver taels that big brother gave to father! Lei Chuntao was so ashamed that she almost went under the table.

Lei Xiangzhi's face also felt hot as he frowned at Du Shi, "Mother, please say a few words less."

Lei Tie stood up. "I'll go invite Li Zheng."

Lei Xiangzhi promptly said: "Big brother, I'll go."

Lei Tie nodded. "Thank you."

After Lei Xiangzhi went to invite Li Zheng, no one in the hall room spoke. The three children had been rushed to play in the room beforehand. The silence was like a dark cloud over the heads of these people and the atmosphere in the hall room was very depressing.

Of all the people, only Lei Tie and Qin Mian were calm. Lei Tie's eyes were flat and calm, none could guess any trace of emotion in them. Qin Mian, restrained by excitement and happiness, looked at the door from time to time without expression.

Very soon, Lei Xiangzhi brought Li Zheng with him.

The peasant families basically dressed in duanda for the convenience to do farm work, but Li Zheng wore grey changpao inside with a thin black cotton breasted jacket outside. The cotton breasted jacket was embroidered with the noble character "福[2]" with gold thread. He was pacing with a measured gait as he walked steadily. He looked to be in his early fifties, hale and hearty, his eyes twinkling with shrewd light.

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