Chapter 049: Without Fierce Tricks, It Won't Work

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Du Shi then wailed loudly, "He has money to open his own shop, I only asked him to take account of his blood brothers, but he didn't want to. This unfilial thing..."

Qin Mian inserted again, "His brothers know that our shop is not short of staff and the two employees we hired are both on contract; we can't break the agreement, but they still insist on us hiring them. Dear customers, as you can see, our shop is so small, where do we need so many staffs?"

"That is true." The majority of the customers nodded in agreement.

Some also boldly said: "The brothers still want to, isn't it so they can take money for doing nothing?"

Du Shi's face intermittently turned blue, red and white. She lowered her head, her thoughts unknown. Then, she got up from the ground and looked at Lei Tie, who was cooking the spicy hot soup as if nothing bothered him. She said in a sad voice: "Eldest, I know you don't like me and always think that this stepmother I, am aiming at you. I don't ask you to be filial to me, only ask you to take your brothers into account based on the fact that you all are of the same father."

A few customers showed an understanding look and nodded slightly, feeling that what Du Shi said was reasonable.

Qin Mian's expression turned cold. Good one, Du Shi. You know it won't work by using force, so you have to mislead the outsiders.

"Whatever you say, it's a fact that you abused Lei Tie and forced him to run away from home when he was 12. Do you think so many people are fools and only listen to your one-sided words? A little inquiry into these matters will tell us who is telling the truth."

Du Shi fiercely stared at Qin Mian like staring at the enemy who killed her son. The jeering eyes of the people around continuously fell on her, which made the hatred and anger in her chest constantly stirred up and blood rushed up to her head. Suddenly, she strode to the nearest table and overturned the table without warning.

All of a sudden, the six bowls of spicy hot soup on the table all flew out. One bowl flew straight to Qin Mian.

Everyone cried out in alarm.



Qin Mian was also frightened and helplessly watched a bowl of spicy hot soup fly toward his face.

Just then, a dark shadow flashed by.

It turned out that Lei Tie abruptly stepped into the air and moved his hands several times to catch all the six bowls of spicy hot soup and put them steadily on another table. There was not a drop of soup spilt from the six bowls.

After another look, Lei Tie had stood by Qin Mian's side, as steady as Mount Tai.

"Oh!" A customer stared at Lei Tie as he marvelled, "I didn't expect that the big boss of this shop can even do Kung Fu!"

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