Chapter 056: Deliver Dumplings

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"We'll eat anything in the morning and make dumplings at noon." Qin Mian was in high spirits. Today was the first time he was going to eat dumplings since he transmigrated.

"Dumplings?" Lei Tie looked at him inquisitively.

Qin Mian was astonished. Could there be no such delicacy as dumplings in this time and space?

"You'll find out later."

"Alright." Lei Tie nodded and gave up the idea of going up the mountain. Winter Solstice was the first festival after he and his wife got together, so it should be celebrated properly.

Qin Mian made a pot of stewed noodles with the ingredients Lei Tie had dealt with. After breakfast, he asked Lei Tie to knead the dough, while he prepared the dumpling stuffing. He remembered that his grandmother used to wrap the dumplings with deep-fried pork dough sticks and blindweed stuffing. The blindweed was fresh and tender and the pork was savoury. When mixed together, the taste was excellent.

It was too troublesome to make deep-fried dough sticks. Qin Mian mixed the flour with water into diluted liquid, added eight eggs, stirred them evenly, spread them out in the oiled wok, fried them into thin egg pancakes, and then cut them into small pieces. Next, he chopped pork into small pieces. There was no blindweed, so instead, he used green vegetables and chopped them up. He stir-fried these with chopped scallion and ginger in the wok until half cooked before adding the proper amount of salt. After he made sure it was evenly mixed, the savory dumpling stuffing was done.

After the dough was made, Qin Mian took a lump of dough, kneaded it into a tube shape, and then cut it into small dough pieces with a knife. Next, he used a rolling pin to roll them into thin slices, making the dumpling wrappers.

Lei Tie was in charge of rolling the dumpling wrappers after he learned it. Meanwhile, Qin Mian wrapped the dumplings while warming beside the charcoal stove. He placed a dumpling wrapper in the center of his left palm, used a small spoon to scoop out dumpling stuffing and put it on the wrapper. Then, he closed the dumpling wrapper and pinched it tightly. A dumpling was wrapped in a few seconds and placed in a large clean sieve.

Lei Tie's hand quickly rolled a dozen dumpling wrappers and Qin Mian wrapped them all together. After the dumpling wrappers were used up, he continued to roll... In this fashion, an hour later, nearly 200 plump white dumplings covered the whole sieve.

"Make fire and prepare to cook the dumplings." Qin Mian ordered.

Lei Tie ignited the stove, scooped a few ladles of water into the wok and covered it.

"How many do you eat?" Qin Mian asked. More than 100 dumplings could not be eaten by two people in one meal.

Lei Tie looked at the dumplings and said without hesitation: "50."

Qin Mian was a little skeptical, "Can you finish them?"

Lei Tie's mouth agape, "You wrapped it small."

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