Chapter Sixty-One This Is Not The End

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Deep end- Daughtry

"Is it enough?" One of the men ask and Lawrence hesitates as he watches me carefully.

"Yes." Lawrence says nodding and backing up a few steps. "Yes, it's enough. Go on and do as you please." Lawrence lingers for a little while longer as the men on both sides start walking toward me. I was trapped and weaponless and soon, I felt that I would be lifeless. One man grew greedy and began running to me with a machete in his hand and when he reached me he stabbed it toward me but I step aside and grab his wrist, twisting until he losses his grip and without stopping myself I take it and thrust it through his chest and throwing his body away from me.

My actions seemed to make the crowd angrier and they quicken their pain. It was me against over twenty men and women. Some of them looked as if they didn't know how to take a life let alone use a knife. They would be the easy ones. The harder ones would be the buffer ones who looked as if they'd taken multiple lives. The ones with blood lust in their eyes. I get low and flip the machete in my hand as I get ready for the next victim. I was in this alone and so I had to get out of this alone. I shake my head.

People are always there when I want to be alone. Where are they when I actually need them? No one comes to this place except for Felix and I so if I were to be saved, it'd be by him and I just have a feeling in my gut that that is not going to happen.

(Felix's POV)

"We have this whole town to check." Leon says. "She can be any where and if we're going to find her we're going to need to split up."

"I can have my people split and search the places south in town." Aiden says. "They'd do it for her."

"And we can-"

"No." I say shaking my head. "My people wouldn't do it and if they did Who's to stop them from killing her themselves? My people are staying out of this for now." Aiden and Leon nod in agreement.

"Good choice." Aiden says. "But you can't check the north all by yourselves. You're going to need help."

"What if we tricked them in to looking for Blake for us?" Leon suggests and Aiden and I look to him.

"How do you mean?" I ask.

"What if we send them out looking for suspects or something. Traitors. We can send them out and tell them that if they see her they must report it and no engage because she's Krovozhadnaya Koroleva. They wouldn't near her if they thought that. They fear that side of her." I nod.

"That's true. Let's do that then."

"Aiden!" A voice shouts in a panicked tone and a man runs into the room.

"Levi?" Aiden asks facing the man. "What? What is it?"

"The bounty hunters." He says. "They're here and they're everyone but there all heading to one place."

"And what place is that?" Leon asks.

"Cry Baby Bridge." Levi says and the room grows tense but I just close my eyes and sigh. Not there.

"Is Blake there?" Aiden asks.

"I can't think of any other reason they'd all be heading there. Gathering." Aiden shakes his head and punches the table.

"Why would she be there?"

"Because she knows no one goes there and she wants to be alone." I say opening my eyes to see their eyes on me. "Hypothetically." I quickly add.

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