Chapter Forty-Six Breaking Free

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Bruises- Lewis Capaldi

(POV of unknown)

"Are you in position?" I ask through the walkie talkie.

"We're in position." The person on the other side responds. "Waiting for the signal."

"The signal is about to come. Be ready. We're about to move in."

"We're ready."

"Everyone check in." I say.

"Team one is in position."

"Team two is in position."

"Team three is in position."

"Team four is in position."

"Team five is in position." All the thirty teams with twenty people each check in and I nod in approval pulling my mask down tighter.

"All teams be ready for the signal. We're about to move out."

"Yes sir." Each team replies one by one. I nod and lean forward why my gun ready in my hand. Everything was quiet as we all waited for the signal. I was taking in all the quiet I could get because soon enough all hell was going to break loose.

(Blake's POV)

I've never been more scared than anything in this moment here. Greg standing over Felix as I fought against my restraints. I needed to get free to save Felix. To help Felix. This was taking forever but it was working. It was ripping the straps so as long as I just keep fighting, we still have a chance. "Please." I beg trying to buy time while I fight and fight. "Please don't kill him because of me." Greg turns and faces me with a needle in his hand. I didn't know what it was, but I didn't want to find out either. Not if it was dangerous.

"Everything I've done has been because of you." He says. "Don't you see that? Can't you see that or are you too blinded by your pride?" I shake my head and yank my wrist.

"What pride?" I ask. "I have no pride here." Greg narrows his eyes almost in shock at the words I just said.

"You're finally learning now, aren't you?" He takes a couple steps toward me while shaking his head. "Too bad it's too late."

"What if it's not too late?" I ask. "What if there was still time? What's the rush anyway? Why do you have to do this now? Why now after everything?"

"Because after everything, I've learned a couple things about you, Blake. One, you're stronger than you seem, two, you're terrible at learning lessons and three, you need to die because of who you are." Gregory says and his words spork to me. Not because they were important but because they reminded me of something I've heard before. Someone's told me that before. Felix. When I was six. When he was eight. A year after we first met, we met again.

* * *
Blake's POV when she was Six

I sat on a bench swinging my legs and humming to myself. Braxton told me I needed to get out and get some air but that was code for he's going to go kill someone and he doesn't want me around. I don't think I'm at that killing age yet. I take a deep breath in before I tilt my head back and look at the sky. It was bright blue and the sun seemed to be shinning down on me making me sweat. It was hot out here. Really hot. I needed a drink or I was probably going to pass out.

I hop off the bench and start waking but immediately have to stop because of the three boys standing in front of me. One of them I'd seen before. Felix I think his name was. He stood in the front. The middle like he was the leader of them. Who knows, he probably was. I glance at the other two suspiciously before taking a step back just in case. "Well isn't it little miss Italian." The boy on Felix's right says. I just look him up and down but I keep my lips shut.

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