Chapter Forty-Seven Not Our Time To Die

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I Found- Amber Run

(Unknown POV)

"Are you in position?" I ask through my walkie talkie. It was on a different channel so the others couldn't hear. Just me and the person on the other end.

"I am in position." The voice says back. I nod and lower it. "But I hear voices coming from the inside."

"You hear voices? Who?"

"A girl." The voice says. "She's begging someone not to kill another person."

"A girl? That must be Blake. She must be talking about Felix then. If he's going to kill him we need to move fast so do it."

"Okay. I'll cut the power."

"Do it fast."

"Cutting power in three... two... one..." it was silent for a couple of seconds. "The power is out."

"Okay set the signal and be ready." I say before. I switch walkie talkies and I press down the button, waiting. Through the darkness and flame lights up in the distance and I nod. That's the signal. "That's the signal. Everyone move in slowly."

"Moving in." All teams respond. I grab my gun and point it up as I lead my team toward the building. We moved slowly though because Greg was full of surprises so we couldn't trust any of this. If we all make it to the building alive and intact, I'll be surprised.

(Felix's POV)

I held Blake in my arms running around everywhere like a lost child. I ran up every stair case and through every door but this place seemed like a maze. I couldn't find my way out of here and because of me, Blake was going to die. I needed to do something to help her, but I had no idea what I could possibly do. I shake my head as I somehow come upon the room we were once locked in again. I'm running in circles! I start to go again but I stop and look at Greg's body.

He might have something on him. Something that could help. I lay Blake gently on the ground and kiss her forehead before kneeling next to Greg and searching his pockets. That's when he started moving and I froze. It was barley but it was there. He was still alive somehow. Maybe this is a good thing. My eyes harden. Not that he's alive but yeah. That he's alive. Because I made him a promise and I intended on keeping it. So here is me keeping my promise. I grab one of the knifes he used to torture Blake and I with.

     Greg opens his eyes and his eyes met mine after they searched the room. He shakes his head. "I made you a promise. Remember?" I ask as he shakes his head more. Then I jam the knife right through his eye and I begin searching his pockets. I found his wallet, a pocket knife and I folded up piece of paper but that was it. There was nothing else. I search his wallet finding money but I keep searching every pocket until I find a thickly folded up paper and I unfold it. It was a map of the building. Thank God. I throw everything else down before running and picking up Blake again.

I flip the map open all the way and study it as I stand, holding Blake's limp body in my arms. I needed to take a left and then go up the stairs up that way. I move forward seeing a small hallway on my left that I rush down and find a stair case at the end. At least I now knew this was accurate. I run up the stairs doing my best to keep Blake's head safe from hitting anything hard as I passed edges and walls. She's been lucky so far, so she has to survive. She had to for me.

I make it up the flight of stairs and push out the doors entering another room. I follow the map to the nearest exit and I push out the doors seeing darkens that didn't really help my case much. I run out and away from the building as I hear a gun cock and I instantly freeze to look around. It was too dark to see anything clearly. "Put the girl down." A voice says and instead I was surrounded by armed men. This wasn't good. It good at all. I shake my head and strap forward.

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