Chapter Twenty-One Almost Truly Wicked

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Royals- Lorde

I lay in the grass staring up at the dark sky. I was waiting in our spot for my friends to show up and they seemed to be taking forever. It was annoying and aggravating and it wasn't distracting me from my problems because now I could think freely with out any distractions and since I just escaped a crazy Felix a few minutes ago- I honestly don't know what I'm doing with my life. I'm the leader of a mafia that I don't know how to lead. I shake my head and stare up at the sky.

     The dark sky filled with stars. I wish I could be a star. Forget my problems. Forget my worth. Forget everything. I hear an engine and I sit up seeing Jinx ride up and come to a stop in front of me. She takes off her helmet and looks down at me. "Is no one else here yet?" I shake my head and she lets out a breath getting off her bike and setting the helmet down. "How long you been waiting?" I shrug and lay back down.

     "I don't know. I haven't really been paying attention to the time." I say honestly, becoming tired.

     "You look upset." She says sitting next to me. I shrug.

     "I just need a distraction and right now I have no distractions."

"Well let's change that."

"Good luck with that." A voice says and Jinx's along with my own head snaps behind us to see Leon leaning against a tree. I send him a glare.

"I shot you and threw you off a cliff and you still come back?" I ask as I head Jinx gasp.

"You threw him off a cliff?" She asks in a shocked voice and I give her a look. "What? I was just gonna ask why I wasn't invited." I chuckle before I see Leon roll his eyes and step toward us.

     "I can help with distracting you." He states standing a few feet away. I look to Jinx.

     "Want to help me kill him?"

     "I've never killed someone before but sure." Jinx says and I nod standing up and dusting off my pants.

     "Come on Blake." Leon groans. "I know you need to be distracted. But my brother, He needs help. Something is wrong with him. It's like something in him snapped and he doesn't know what's good or bad anymore." He hesitates before pulling something out of his pants. "I found this in his room under his pillow." He says. It was a piece of paper folded up. I look to Jinx before slowly taking it mad unfolding it.

     "What is it?" I ask.

     "Just read it." There were words all over the page in distressed hand writing. 'Kill her.' Was in big letters in the middle of the page. Along the edges were 'once she dies, you're problems will too' and 'she deserves to die' along with 'you don't love her'. And then 'kill her' was repeated over and over again over the howl page. I narrow my eyes and look back up at him.

     "Felix wrote all this?" I ask confused. I look down at the paper again before shaking my head and stepping back.

     "It's his hand writing." Leon says. "I don't know what's going on, but I now something wrong."

     "His demons followed him back." I sigh staring down at the paper.

     "What?" He asks.

     "I ran into him a couple minutes ago. He said he wanted to talk and then he told me that he kept dreaming of what happened at that place. With Jay." I shake my head and hold out the paper for him to take and he does. "He said every night he dreamt it and every night the pain was there. Over and over again like it was never ending. He said he thought that if I died, the dreams would stop."

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