Chapter Four The Big Bad Wolf

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Fly On The Wall- Miley Cyrus

     I open my eyes to see light shining in through the open curtains instantly blinding me and making me groan. Despite the morning tiredness, I sit up rubbing my eyes when I feel something sticky on my face. I narrow my eyes and grab my hand mirror that sat on my night stand and hold it up looking at my face. Ice cream. I had ice cream on my face. Did I really fall asleep while eating my ice cream? Well, it would explain my stomach ache. Ice cream right before bed is a terrible idea.

Especially when you get a large and you eat half of it. It then you get full and your stomach starts hurting but you're too lazy to get up and put it in the refrigerator so you have to force it down until it's all gone and your stomach feels like it's about to explode and you feel like you're gonna die. That's when you know you've made a bad decision. That you've screwed up. I know this but I do it all the time so it's really my fault. I can't blame ice cream for anything. It helps me when I'm stressed, sad, mad and happy.

     "Mommy. Mommy. Mommy." Nadia screams busting into the room as I quickly close my eyes and pretend to be sleeping. "Get up. Get up. Get up." She screams climbing up and jumping on me. I groan and grunt in pain, opening my eyes. I said it once and I swear I will say it again.

"Bambino demone." I groan rolling over and making her fall off me.

"Mommy." She whines startling to crawl on me again but I wrap my arm around her pinning her arms to her sides and then I lay on her making sure not to put all of my weight. I wasn't trying to kill her. She struggles giggling and laughing as she try's to get out from under me and I hold the smile off my face.

"Calm down Bambino Demone." I whisper in her ear.

"Get off of me." She whines before she giggles. "Blake get off of me." My insides melt at how she said my name. It was adorable. Who knew a demon child could be so precious. "Blake." She whines again as she keeps trying to push me off her.

"Bambino Demone, do you not want to go out today?" I ask and she stops and tries to sit up under me.

"I do. I want to go out. Can we go out Blake, can we please go out. I want to go out." She says in a happy voice as if she knew I was going to kneel down and say yes. This little brat has a hold of my heart.

"Fine." I mutter. "Let's go get ready. " I start to get up as she does the same but I quickly lean down again and kiss her forehead as she wraps her arms around my neck. She had the strongest grip, I stand up straight as she hangs from my neck giggling and kicking her feet which just so happened to be kicking me. I shake my head. "Bambino Demone." I whisper before she suddenly looks up at me and her beautiful blue eyes bore into mine. "I love you." I say and the brightest smile forms on her face before she starts kicking again.

I roll my eyes. I try to be nice and she kicks me. This is what I get. This is why I have to be evil. I begin tickling her making her giggle and she loosens her grip and begins to fall but I quickly catch her cradle style and hold her tight so she can't move as I walk to her room. She never sleeps in it unless you're with her but I guess Braxton got her to sleep. How does he do good with kids? He's supposed to be rude, ruthless, evil. Once upon a time, I guess he was. Then I came along. A smirk forms on my face as I enter my living room to get to her room but I see people everywhere.

      Finn was sleeping on the floor as Minnie and Jinx slept on the big couch. I hear slurping and I look to my right seeing Braxton drinking a cup of coffee as he stared at the sleeping people. I shake my head. He's probably thinking of ways to kill them. Should I tell him not to? I glance at the sleeping people. Well, this is their fault for sleeping in a gang leaders home. And where her home is also her gangs base. I shake my head. I head toward Nadia's room when a knock sounds at the door. I set Nadia down on her feet.

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