Chapter Thirty-One Undesired Truths

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Slow Motion- Trey Songz

"Well it wasn't my fault." I say rolling my eyes and walking down the hall.

"You were the one that did it!" Aiden exclaims. I sigh.

"They shouldn't have had loads of gun powder set up like that. And they also shouldn't have given me fire."

"They didn't give it to you, you took it." He hisses. "Do you know how many people were there?"

"No one was injured. Well, no one was injured badly or severely anyway." I shrug and walk faster.

"No one was injured? Tell that to the two people who are dead." He hissed as we reach the elevator and I press the button, my hand freezing over it.

"Well, they're not injured are they?" I ask looking over my shoulder at him.

"No, because they're dead." He hisses, slapping the wall with all his might. I shrug again before entering the elevator and Aiden follows.

"Oops?" I say in a questionable tone and that didn't seem to please Aiden very much. What can I say? For some reason, I just don't care anymore.

"Oops? That's all you have to say for the people you killed?"

"I've killed people before. This is nothing new." Then a question just my mind. "How do you know this?"

"People talk." He says. "And those people are still talking."

"Well, we'll just have to make them stop talking now won't we?"

"How do you plan on doing that?" He asks.

"Let me see... I will leave that decision up to you."

"What? Boss, you can't expect me to-" my face goes hard and I turn to look at him.

"What?" I snap. "I can't expect you to follow my orders? Aiden in case you've forgotten, that is your job." The elevator was silent for a few seconds as I turn to look at the doors again knowing soon the silence would end.

"Boss, please, you have to be more careful. I know you're happy and celebrating but come on. People don't need to die right now. Those people you killed-"

"Should have listened when I yelled 'everyone outside'." I shrug again. The doors open and I step out, Aiden following close behind.

"Boss." He urges making me groan and spin around to face him.

"Aiden quit being such a Debbie downer." I complain hearing a few chuckles and snorts from few people around us. "If my mistake bothers you so much. Then fix it by doing what ever you want. Okay?" When he doesn't respond I nod my head. "Great. Now I'm going out. Please don't call or bother me with more unimportant matters. Deal?" I watch him grit his teeth together

"Deal." He forces out and I nod.

"Thank you. Only talk to me whenever you find Ryder and goodbye." I say and then turn around, walking toward the front doors. "No one follow me." I order. "No one call me unless it's of the utter most importance." I reach the doors and hesitate with my hands on the door. "I put Aiden in charge until I return. Follow his orders." I look over my shoulders and spit Alex's confused face. "Alex, follow me. I have a job for you." I push the door open and walk out not waiting for him as I continue down the sidewalk.

     "Uh-" I hear a sigh before fast footsteps come toward me until they reach my side, then they walk at my pace. "Yes?" He asks.

     "I have a job for you."

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