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The brightness of day Delighted my heart with blissThe delicious taste of words in air Had deprived myself from senses That wasn't a mere day of happiness When the news of your radiant arrival Hovered over the phrase of time As a cheered echo of m...

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The brightness of day
Delighted my heart with bliss
The delicious taste of words in air
Had deprived myself from senses
That wasn't a mere day of happiness
When the news of your radiant arrival
Hovered over the phrase of time
As a cheered echo of my emotions

Finally the day arrived which had been alloted the gracious opportunity of meeting Saubhadreya. Yes, it was the day when he was born. He was the serenity of Subhadra and the valorous reflection of Arjun. After a long time of labour pain since mid night Subhadra gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Everyone was ecstatic after witnessing the extraordinary glow over the baby's face. After travelling from arms to arms the baby finally returned to his mother's arm. Subhadra was holding the baby close to her heart while Arjun was caressing his head sitting beside her.

"He is exactly like you. Just a replica of yours," Subhadra complimented with a smile.

"Right, I am feeling amused seeing myself in front of me, but his fair complexion has gone after you," Arjun reciprocated the smiles towards him, one was of his wife, and other one was of his son.

"Thank you for giving me him," He pecked her hairs softly.

"Thanking me!" Her surprised stare mads him chuckle.

"I can't say I love you in front of our son. Now we should maintain decency cautiously around him," His answered huskily in her ear making her giggle instantly.

"I am proud of your decency for not saying I love you directly, and I must appreciate your wittiness of saying I love you in excuse of decency," She too stated in the same way like her.

Both giggled at the same time, and the cooing sound of baby joined them later.

Some days passed cheerfully after the baby's birth. His naming ceremony was also celebrated in high spirit. The baby got named as "Abhimanyu".

It was the night after naming ceremony got over. Abhimanyu was sleeping peacefully in cradle.

"Why are you staring at him like that, Subhi?" Arjun asked after entering into chamber.

"His name has both of ours alphabets. His very presence symbolises we both being one," She was still in her amused state.

"Absolutely, right. Like the alphabets of our names we both will be with him always," He sat beside her to admire the little bundle of joy.

"Always!" She repeated that word in trance.

"Yes, always," He too repeated her words in an assuring manner.

"What if you need to go out on any mission?" She asked the obvious as he used to go out often for boarder checking and collection of taxes.

"Then I have my better half to play my role. So, I am not at all bothered by any mission for which I have to go out," He pulled her into embrace.

Both hugged each other to feel relaxed.

She was his yearning when he was in love with her.

She became his peace once she stepped into his life.

She faced each challenge calmly.

She won over each obstacle singlehandedly.

Holding each others hand they walked over the path of happiness together.

Both have each others belief. Their love is bliss for them.

It would be really enough to stand bold at any tough situation of life if anything as such was about to come ahead, most probably which was on its way as the foundation was laid already.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) How was the journey of Parth Probodhika?

(4) Any specific part or chapter you liked especially among all?

Note: It's the last chapter of this story. Epilogue will be updated at next.

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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