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Good news grace us unexpectedly

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Good news grace us unexpectedly. The moment in which we don't feel any other movement around us except ringing of few words conveying what we are going to receive is really magical. We get less moments like that yet we live those magnifying to restore in our memories.

Along with the chirpy sounds of birds a slight growl of Subhadra welcomed morning in her chamber. The growl was reasoned by absence of Arjun on her other side. A disappointed expression was drawn over her face in sleep as she was missing his warmth.

Suddenly a soothing touch over her hairs swiped away that disappointed, and she slept more snuggling to that hand. Just after sometime realisation activated her senses, and she woke up with a jerk.

"You! How come you reached here?" She was surprised over the presence of that person.

"I came here riding chariot crossing miles of distance, and then entered into through main entrance receiving welcome from everyone, not secretly like you used to step into kitchen to steal butter in childhood," Flashing his well known mischievous smile he chuckled.

"You started pulling my leg after your arrival itself, Bhratashri!" With a pout Subhadra hugged Kanha tightly.

After getting his affectionate embrace and some pats over her back she broke the hug.

"Your in laws welcomed me grandly, but that can't the welcome I got from you," He indicated the slight yellow colour over his arm making her smile withdrawing her glance from him.

"Looks like you played holi untimely. Parth is too smart choosing to keep his act as a secret, but the colour of love can't be wiped fully. They have their own grace even after going away," Being embarrassed at Kanha's words Subhadra was caressing one side of her forehead in attempt of hiding her expression from him.

"By the way what's the reason of your arrival at this early morning?" She found a question to divert him.

"Dau sent me here to invite especially you and Parth for festival of Raivatak mountain," Listening him she went back to the memories to meet those conveying the gratitude of being a part of her life.

"More than one year ago during Raivatak festival Parth came to Dwarka in disguise of a sage, and you found him as your soulmate later. I know you are thanking that phrase of your life. That time worths your gratitude too," Both exchanged happy smiles before side hugging each other.

"Last year arya was spending his year with Jyeshtha, but this time we will surely attend the festival. I am so happy that you came here to invite us," She squealed slightly in hug.

"I told that dau sent me to invite you both. It's not my reason of being here," She lifted head to look at him.

"You have some other plan! What's that?" Focusing glance over him she asked.

"I am here to receive a very good news, Gudiya!" Dancing his eyebrows he replied playfully.

"What's that news? Won't you share with me, Bhratashri?" Making an innocent expression she tried to get her task done.

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