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Each appearance, may it be a person or any pole of life gives us it's message at time of departure

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Each appearance, may it be a person or any pole of life gives us it's message at time of departure. We consider that message irrespective of our emotions while bidding farewell to any of the mentioned before. Execution of that message sometimes scripts an exemplary part of our lives.

After spending some days in Indraprastha Kanha decided to go back to Dwarka. Before his departure he wished to exchange some important words in presence of whole family. Everyone was gathered at common hall for that purpose.

"Sakha, can't you stay for some more time?" Before the discussion could start Draupadi complained sadly.

"I stayed here for pretty more time. My responsibilities must be waiting for me in an arranged order, and first one among those must be dau's anger to be cooled down by me," Everyone giggled at Kanha's fake fearful expression at mention of dau.

"Before departure what you want to convey us, Madhav?" Arjun came to point asking the question.

"I want to suggest you all to make Indraprastha the kingdom to lead the whole aryavrat. I am not suggesting this because you all are dearer to me. I am suggesting as the subjects of aryavrat need a life sustained by not only the basic necessities but also the base of justice which can be nurtured by jyeshth Yudhishthir only along with all of yours assistance," Everyone became silent considering each word of Kanha deeply into their hearts and minds.

"Arya too had dreamed about a nation like this for the subjects of aryavrat, but destiny wasn't in favour of his wish," Kunti was lost remembering her late husband.

"Don't worry, Mata. This dream won't remain incomplete. All your sons will make that come true," Sahdev stood up from his place to go to Kunti to console her.

"Mata, please don't be sad. Let the emotions flow out, but don't join that flow yourself. We have seen you standing strong alone for us. We need that strength of yours for lifetime," Arjun too joined Sahdev wiping Kunti's tears.

"But would it be decent to overpower Hastinapur which is the possession of our ancestors since ages? Won't it feel like to insult ancestry for our own achievement?" Yudhishthir expressed his dilemma which used to dump his zeal of fulfilling his father's dream.

"Goodness reaches at it's peak excelling through each gap, Jyeshth. If you wish an affluent life for the subjects of whole aryavrat in terms of virtues then you have to go ahead crossing ancestry," Kanha advised in a serious tone making each eye glue over him.

"Vasudev is right, Jyeshth. We will win all the kingdoms of aryavrat, and will conduct Rajsuya yagya to make everyone accept our leadership," Bheem declared in a bold voice.

"We need acceptance, Bheem. Acceptance can't be acquired through atrocities. For acceptance we need to make ourselves apt. That's why Vasudev suggested to make Indraprastha a worthy kingdom to handle the responsibility of whole aryavrat single handedly," Denying the chance of war and bloodshed Yudhishthir came to front immediately.

"How can we make this possible, Jyeshth? Indraprastha is a small kingdom in comparison to geographical area,"

"We can't make much economic development in this case," Bheem and Nakul mentioned the obstacle respectively.

"Can I suggest something?" Subhadra came forward breaking silence, and gained Yudhishthir's nod.

"If we can't make considerable development in economic then we should try to enhance the level of education of our kingdom. We should pick up the level of education from literacy to many listed perspectives like active participation, decision making and awareness in subjects," Subhadra explained her idea in brief.

"Amazing idea, Bhabhi. In this way we can attract everyone's attention, and can claim our capabilities to lead the whole aryavrat," Sahdev was the first one to support Subhadra's idea.

"Sure, we will proceed on this path," Yudhishthir too agreed to the idea.

"If you both need any help then we all can join anytime," Arjun offered with proud filled eyes focusing his stare more on Subhadra.

"Bhrata Arjun, you mentioned both in words, but your action is exclusive towards her," Sahdev couldn't take the ignorance, and raised objection sweetly.

"Injustice from the beginning of the journey meant to establish justice, Bhrata Arjun!" Grabbing the opportunity Nakul jumped to tease Arjun.

Arjun chose to smile sheepishly rather than blushing to avoid more embarrassment. After some more time Kanha departed seeking everyone's love and good wishes.

"Bhrata, we should visit subjects once to know their mentalities, their general thoughts before planning something new for betterment of education," Subhadra suggested to Sahdev being sincere about the target they need to achieve.

"Sure, Bhabhi. After lunch we will visit subjects as commoners," Sahdev accepted her suggestion all gladly.

"Can I join you, Guys?" Nakul entered into the conversation.

"What's the purpose of accompanying us?" Sahdev wasn't ready to believe that there can be any genuine cause behind his twin's urging.

"I heard from Vasudev that he used to enjoy outing a lot in bhabhi's company. So, I too want to experience the same. By the way I don't want to miss the chance of teasing bhrata Arjun saying that before him I had gone out with bhabhi," The trios laughed heartily over Nakul's words.

As decided Nakul, Sahdev and Subhadra went out in attire of commoners. They wanted to trace the thoughts of subjects according to which they would design the plan of table for them, but some unexpected yet terrible words from subjects shocked them to no end.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

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(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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