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Some days come into our lives with the fullest package of pleasure

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Some days come into our lives with the fullest package of pleasure. Rare are their inscriptions yet inspires our positive vibes whole life as memories. A day like described above was going to appear in Dwarka with sunrise. Subhadra welcomed the next day with a happy smile while arranging the plate of veneration.

Happiness would be really less to describe the emotions assimilated inside her altogether. She was going to Somnaath, the pious shrine of Lord Shiva after so long. Somnaath had a special attachment to her heart. Whenever she visited there she felt like her future was coming closer to her with each visit.

Finally that feeling became true. Arjun saw her at Somnaath for the first time, and the saga of soulmates started from there.

"Subhi, are you fine?" Arjun checked upon Subhadra during journey.

"I am absolutely fine, Arya. Leave your worries, and surrender yourself to the vibes of Somnaath," Her clam voice made his senses follow that calmness.

"We met at Somnaath for the first time," Arjun smiled remembering the day.

"I was unknown about this first meet as I didn't see you, but I sensed you around me," She continued to proceed with the chains of memory.

"That day I determined to earn your love for me," He joined her move.

"And you succeeded too," Both smiled at each other before climbing the stairs.

"You are holding the plate of veneration since long. Let's hold that together," He forwarded his hand to lessen her effort.

"We are going to climb stairs, Subhi. The journey on plain and and the journey of strain aren't same," She couldn't say anything over wise and caring words. Nodding at him she let him hold the plate from other side sharing it's weight.

After entering into temple both worshipped the Lord and joined hands to offer prayers.

"O' Lord I am grateful to be graced by such a soulmate. Let your grace be the goodness of our lives," Subhadra prayed in mind.

"You had granted peace to earth again by saving Chandra dev( Moon God). I don't have enough words to thank you for blessing my life with my peace, Subhadra. I am seeking your protection for the peace of my life and the people around me, Somnaath!" Arjun was engrossed in putting his heartily feelings in his each word.

Completing veneration they took round around the temple.

"Can we take some more rounds, Subhi?" His devotion and delight both were evident in his words.

"Sure, but any specific reason behind this urging?" She smiled reciprocating the charm of his smile.

"Nothing such. It feels nice to take rounds with you. Life is a circle too. We feel captured into that circle if we stand alone, without the one who cheers us like no one else," He uttered the last phrase pulling her into an eye lock.

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