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Adjectives can't lessen the importance to be acquired by a word

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Adjectives can't lessen the importance to be acquired by a word. Obvious sacrifice, the adjective, "Obvious" can't cause ignorance towards the word, "Sacrifice". That's why obvious sacrifice can't be assumed as a light one. Obviousness of sacrifice was getting provoked by the situation at front in which Arjun was stuck into.

After Kunti left advising Arjun and Subhadra to have rest others too followed her. Noticing Subhadra staring at Kunti's gift happily Arjun chose to spare sometime to give Subhadra a company. He could have imagined her in those clothes and attires, but the demand of that moment didn't get agree to allow him.

"Subhi, I want to say something," Finally Arjun accepted to move on with the demand of situation.

"You don't need this build up to initiate a conversation. You can directly say whatever you want to say," Subhadra wasn't in favour of any formality in between them.

"Actually I was thinking to go to Panchali," He simply told rather than adding anything else to his wish.

"I think I should go to her at first," She expressed her wish causing a jerk to him while turning towards her.

"It's not the right time for you to meet her. She must be expecting me," He reasoned his deny sensibly.

"Unexpected events work well to pacify anger making the person surprised, and diverting the intensity of anger," She too countered to him logically.

"Fine, you can go to meet her. Before that answer one question. What's obvious sacrifice according to you?" He asked to be guided through her thoughts.

"Obvious sacrifice is a need of certain time which should be nestled with care to make it turn into the nourishment for lifetime," She answered being awarded with a bright smile of Arjun.

"I will get her acceptance for both of us, promise. I am accepting the honour which my new life presented the first time, an opportunity of obvious sacrifice," Saying so she went into inner chamber before he could ask anything more.

After a short she came out shocking him with her appearance. She had changed the silk bridal attire into a simple one. Instead of precious gems there were ordinary adornments over her body. The heavily decked up bride had derived her aura in get up of a commoner.

"Subhi, what's all these? Why is this make over suddenly?" An astonished Arjun asked the least in comparison to the actual weight of questions in his mind.

"I am going to get jyeshtha's affection through submission, and simplicity is suitable to accompany submission towards it's accomplishment," Subhadra explained her intention behind her look.

Arjun pulled Subhadra into a hug being ecstatic. She made him believe that the issue won't last long. Vibes of relaxation made his nerves energetic differently which spark insisted him to do that.

"I am glad to get a chance to admire your sensibility once again," He complimented her in hug.

"You will admire my sensibility only, not me!" She complained, at which a short chain of laughter escaped from his mouth.

"You had own my admiration for lifetime. No need to be grumpy when I praise your goodness different than you," Looking into her eyes he answered.

"Now let me go to get your gift. I wanna present you jyeshtha's smile," Sliding from hug she flashed an assured smile at him.

"I know you will," After witnessing his reciprocation she left from there.

The life flow of Indraprastha was strongly connected with the impact caused by Hastinapur

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The life flow of Indraprastha was strongly connected with the impact caused by Hastinapur. This story had two sides to get influenced. After welcoming ceremony of Indraprastha it was Hastinapur's turn to play it's role.

Gandhari, mother of Duryodhan was supervising the packing of gifts meant to depart for Indraprastha. On occasion of Subhadra's arrival it was a ritual should be followed from Hastinapur's side being immediate family of Pandav brothers.

Duryodhan barged into that place with raged steps when he heard Shakuni advising his sister, Gandhari to deliver expensive gifts to Indraprastha. Noticing Duryodhan Shakuni excused himself from Gandhari.

"Mamashri, do you want to gift royal treasury to Subhadra?" Shakuni dragged Duryodhan to a safe corner when his voice started to rise than usual level.

"No, my child. I have a plan behind this. My each move is a scrutinized one whenever I make any," Shakuni replied in a hushed tone.

"Can you explain your plan rather than trapping my mind?" Duryodhan was in no mood to take any indirect indication.

"These lavish arrangements are meant to make Draupadi jealous of Subhadra, to create internal disturbances in Indraprastha. I wanna make Draupadi's acceptance hard to last if Subhadra gets that anyhow," Shakuni's explanation didn't get any such excited response from Duryodhan.

"Mamashri, rather than targeting over this rubbish invest your mind in the topics in which a real man should be involved. These tricks sound like some typical home politics," Duryodhan expressed his dislike over Shakuni's way.

"Don't underestimate home politics. It's the reason to demolish many dynasties. Even a mere promise given by king Dashrath to his queen Kaikeyi had destroyed happiness of Ayodhya," Shakuni stressed his way to be appropriate, at which Duryodhan remain silent.

Along with care, conspiracy too had taken it's place to justify it's contribution in this story. It would be interesting to watch over their moves at their respective places with support of the resources available to them.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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