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Bliss is a beauty which anyone wishes to hold till eternity

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Bliss is a beauty which anyone wishes to hold till eternity. Some moments are too blissful to come out from those, but we have to break the flow sometimes. A sweet insistence that is! More or less all of us have surely come across such castles of moments where we wanted to reside forever unless a reason pulls us. Let's go forward to meet a moment like this here.

Subhadra thought to interrupt after sitting on wooden bed for a pretty long time with Arjun. Her desired and destined world, his arms were around her worthing that moment with warmth of love. Though she didn't wish to shake that world even a bit yet she had to for his comfort. He was sitting bending his head towards her. It could have caused ache in his neck and back.

"Arya, till when are you going to sit like this? You should get your comfort back," She spoke admiring his luscious curls with caring gesture of her fingers.

"You are right. You must be tired," Standing up he picked her in arms at once.

"Why is this now, Arya? I can lay myself here," She managed to held his neck without much force as his action was too sudden.

"Not here, Subhi!" He denied simply.

"But why? Don't you want to spend a night amidst of this arrangement of your dream chamber?" She was unable to digest his unexpected move.

"I would have loved to if I hadn't planned something else," She was still staring at him surprisingly.

"This bed isn't a suitable place to execute to my plans," He whispered in her ears allowing her sometime to understand and blush.

Proceeding towards their royal bed happily he laid her down. She sat immediately to straighten her upper stole which was displaced along with her veil.

"No need to put your effort into waste," He didn't let her to succeed in that.

"I have something for you. My gift has to be revealed," Withdrawing her caring hands from her veil he undid that.

Opening a small antique box he showed her an emerald pendent with a simple yet elegant chain.

"This green colour represents both of our love for nature. How is it?" He made her wear that chain with a loving smile.

Despite replying him in words she hugged him tightly. He too reciprocated her caressing the lace of her blouse opening the knot slowly.

She broke the hug when realised his move.

"I wouldn't let the opportunity go in vain which you gifted me from your side," She sided her position slowly to get up from bed, but he jumped towards her to capture her from both sides.

"It's not fair, Subhi. You had already troubled me a lot making me yearn for you, and now you are spoiling my image in front of you making me use force over you," She couldn't resist herself to laugh.

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