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The cause which shakes our heart can make us strong too with the strings of determination

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The cause which shakes our heart can make us strong too with the strings of determination. Agony had created many stories of aspirations too. Sorrow too makes us hopeful in wait of solace. So, no negativity is only negativity. It's the further nourishment of positivity too.

In morning Arjun took Subhadra with him to the place of her intense sensation since many days. Halting horse Arjun spent sometime observing the place of unpleasant war. The place had changed with the greenish scenery resulted out of Subhadra's goodness, but the growl of pain and pledge of his opponent was still audible to him.

"We reached at our destination. Share your heart. I know there's something in your heart," Subhadra held one arm of Arjun.

"The reason of your sensation regarding this place is a war happened years ago. This is the place where I had fought with the serpent king Takshak," Arjun started revealing the secret to Subhadra.

A flashback became live in front of his eyes.


It was the time Indraprastha didn't establish fully. Many makeovers had to get included in the framework of Indraprastha's establishment. Serpent king Takshak had been living on that land since years before arrival of Pandav brothers there.

Though the land belonged to ancestors of Pandav brothers they decided to be kind with the inhabitants of that land before them. They were ready to allow the right of reside to Takshak and his subjects, but Takshak wasn't ready to share his years long rights over that land.

That led to a war. Pandav brothers were bound to fight in their defense. Serpents couldn't stand against the mighty brothers. Arjun was having duel with Takshak.

"In arrogance of your power you destroyed my home. Is this the virtue about which you all are praised, Sons of Pandu?" Takshak was hissing inside the fire boundary created by Arjun.

"We extended the hand of friendship towards you. We were reasonable about your rights, but you acted opposite to that. We couldn't be blamed for whatever happened due you to your initiation," Arjun countered Takshak with straight words.

"This piece of land belonged your ancestors, but it's we serpents who had loved this land. Your ancestors had abandoned this land for their royal comfort. So, it should be we whose rights had to be considered over your ownership," Despite being imprisoned Takshak did counter attack.

"Just because you had been residing here since long you couldn't be considered as the owner of this land. You were claiming your love for this land, right? Love can't ever hinder development, but you are preventing us from developing this barren land into an affluent kingdom," Takshak was at short of words at these statements of Arjun.

"No logic can justify your actions. I am not interested in hearing you," With a long hiss Takshak showed his attitude.

"Neither I am interested in convincing your adamant mind. If you promise to leave this land I can free you," Takshak was helpless to accept Arjun's offer.

"Don't think that you are forgiven. Just one round of face off is ended here. I will wipe the line of your lineage, I swear. Mark my words," After Arjun freed Takshak the ungrateful serpent vanished away with this warning.

Flashback ended

"Takshak is pledged to destroy our lineage!" Subhadra exclaimed like earth rooted her feet at it's current position.

"Yes, he is. I didn't share this incident with anyone in family. It was you who sensed the mishap of life. So, you had to know this," He was looking into her eyes which were showing no movement.

Each girl dreams to lead the lineage of her husband's clan. Each girl prays for that opportunity, but before Subhadra could do any of those she discovered the danger over her wish which she hadn't nurtured even well.

She stood frozen at her place due to shock. She was strongly feeling that pledge of Takshak to be a part of destiny.

"Don't worry, Subhi. Takshak's words aren't of any sage's which can turn true," She looked at him silently to read his face.

Somewhere he was too concerned about the matter which he wanted her to forget.

"Takshak's pledge has no righteous influence. I won't let him succeed in his revenge allowing people to say that you did injustice with serpents. I am not sure if destiny has plan to support his pledge," She halted, and both exchanged blank glances in between them.

"But his wish of unreasonable revenge won't be fulfilled, I promise. I will stand in protection of our lineage," Subhadra completed her statement ringing her determination in air.

Arjun was beamed with pride over her strength against the sorrow which could have engulfed her, but she didn't let that.

"My father was cured to die if he try to intercourse with his wives. His lineage was supposed to be ended due to that curse, but mata Kunti saved his lineage by getting me and my brothers through the sacred hymn of sage Durbasa. You are going to shoulder the same responsibility," He embraced her pouring his gratitude and love.

"I know you will keep your words. I am sure you will fight with fate if that has any injustice for me. Today you took away the burden of my heart blessing with bliss. I love you, Subhi!" He tightened the embrace out of joy.

"What I have chosen to do is both my duty and delight. Let's go back, Arya or else we have to face questions of family," Unwillingly he broke the hug to nod at her, and drove back to palace.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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