A/N n°???

590 8 13

Guys, I know probably no one cares, but I had an awful dream/nightmare tonight, and I wanted to share, 'cause it's really weird.

Like, I don't remember really well, but the gist of it was that, like, The Lonely Island had posted something on Instagram or added to their stories, and there were only Andy and Kiv talking.
And they looked really sad, so I was really worried.

And then Kiv said that Jorma had died, because of a heart thing, or something, and I was like "Wait, what the fuck? No!" and, like, cried for hours.

I was so relieved when I woke up, but oh my God, it really scared me.
Like, a lot.

And then I though "why the fuck did I dream that?"

Like, I usually don't even remember my dreams/nightmares, and I don't really understand why my brain would be so mean to me, if I have to be honest.

It was truly terrifying.

But... everything's great now, so yay :)
Just wanted to share.

Ok, peace out homies :3
- Franx

(Like, why would you kill this sweetheart, brain? Why?!?!?! Look at him! Such a precious bb!!! Why would you do this to me!?!?!?)

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(Like, why would you kill this sweetheart, brain? Why?!?!?! Look at him! Such a precious bb!!! Why would you do this to me!?!?!?)

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