Writer's Block - Conner Friel

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"Shit" she muttered, tears running down her cheeks in anger "shit shit shit shit shit"

She sighed, and got up from her chair, bringing her hands to her head, pulling her hair as she walked back and forth.

She bit her lower lip, more tears falling.
She couldn't do this anymore.

She glanced at the blank pages on her desk, as her hands started shaking, her anger growing stronger the more she looked at them.

She closed her fist, her fingernails sinking into the palm of her hand, almost making her bleed, and walked towards her desk.

She took them, and stared at them for a while. Then she snapped.

"This is bullshit!" She yelled, throwing it across the room.

The papers flew into the air, and quickly fell down onto the floor of her room, leaving it all a mess.

She looked at it, and sank down as well.
She felt so tired...

Her legs, her arms, her eyes... her whole body felt weak, as if she hadn't slept for days, which wasn't that far from the truth.

All that pressure and anxiety, knowing she was going nowhere with her project... it was making it more and more difficult to fall asleep at night.

Where had all the inspiration gone?

She started crying, hiding her face in her hands.

She couldn't do this anymore.
She couldn't.

It was too much.

She just needed to rest, to shut her head off for a moment. To let all her thoughts leave her mind, just for a sec.
To breathe.

Conner ran into the room, visible concern on his face.

He had heard her yell from downstairs, and had almost dropped the dishes onto the floor as he did so.

"Y/n, babe, is everything ok?" he said, worried.

Then he saw her.

His expression morphed, from concern to sadness. It had been a long time since he had last saw her like that, since she had had her last episode.

It hurt to see her like that.

He slowly walked in, and sat down next to her, with his back against the end of their bed.

"...Stuck again?" he softly asked, gently putting his hand on her back and starting to caress it.

She nodded, her sobs being the only sound that could escape her mouth, and moved closer to him, falling into his embrace.

He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against him.

"Shhhh... it's ok, I'm here now..." he whispered, trying to comfort her.

They stood like that for a while.
Conner knew talking wouldn't have helped, so he did his best to make her feel safe and understood, to make her feel loved.

He always seemed to know what she needed the most, and in that moment, what she needed the most was him.

She needed him to be close to her.
Nothing more.

She just needed to know he was there by her side.

And he was.
He always was, and always would.

"You wanna talk about it?" Conner softly asked, drying the last tear off her cheek with his thumb.

She took a deep breath, closing her eyes. Then, as she let it out, she opened again, and nodded.

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