Father - Jake Peralta

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It was a Sunday afternoon, around five o'clock.

Jake had asked Captain Holt for a day off, so that he could be with his family, and he had kindly accepted, leaving him free to stay home for today.

Right now, he was walking through Central Park with his wife and his little daughter, Elizabeth, that was three years old.

"...Dada, dada, look!" the little girl had said, pulling him by his hoodie's sleeve.

He looked down at her, and saw her pointing at the playground were the other kids were playing.

He smiled, and kneeled down in front of her. "Do you wanna go there to play, Eli?"

The girl grinned, and hastily nodded, making him chuckle a little.

"Ok then, let's go"
He took her up, holding her against his chest, and turned around to y/n.

"Does mommy want to come too?" he softly said, as she giggled.

"I'd love to, but someone has to keep an eye on all this stuff" she replied, referring to the stroller and the backpack full of Eliza's toys.

"Mommy, please..." the little girl frowned, looking a bit sad.

"Don't worry, I'll be here on the bench" she smiled, stoking her head "You go play with daddy, ok?"


"Come on, Eli, let's go!" Jake grinned.

He turned around for a moment, smiling to his wife, and mouthed an "I love you", before getting on a slide with Eliza.

Y/n smiled, and sat down on the bench in front of the playground.

She loved those days were the three of them could be together and do anything they wanted.

Jake was almost always at work, or tired because of it, and every evening, when he came home, he was really sad he couldn't spend more time with Elizabeth.

But then, when days like this one arrived, he seemed to be the happiest man on Earth, and it made her heart fill with joy.

Seeing him play with their daughter and the immense love he had for the both of them...

Well, it made everything worth the trouble.

She sighed, and relaxed against the warm wood, chilling in the cool breeze of summer. That truly was a beautiful day.

She looked back at her beloved husband and her little daughter, that were now talking.

Jake said something, making her laugh, and lifted her up to put her on the seesaw, starting to gently push her just a few moments later.

A wide smile had spread on his features, as the girl giggled, holding tight to the chains that connected her seat to the metal structure above her.

They both looked really happy, and it made her feel as well.

She felt so lucky to have this beautiful family, and almost didn't want that moment to end, fearing it might be the last time.

She saw her daughter smile, and wave her ravioli-sized hand at a boy around her age that was walking towards her with his mother.

She recognized the mum, and remembered talking to her last Tuesday, as she left Eliza in kindergarten.

The boy must have gone to the same class as her.

The woman introduced herself to Jake, and he shook her hand, smiling. He took his daughter down from the seesaw, and let her free to play with her friend.

They talked for a bit more, and then she got a call. He kindly nodded and walked towards his wife, sighing, as he sat down next to her on the bench.

"Did you know little Eli has already made friends?" Jake happily grinned, shifting his gaze from y/n to their daughter every few seconds.

"Well, I imagined. She's a great kid" she giggled, taking his hand, as they kept an eye on her.

"Yeah... she's amazing" he softly said, lovingly admiring the little girl, as she laughed and played with the boy.

She turned around to look at her husband, and warmly smiled, seeing the pure love in his eyes.

He noticed, and stared back at her, both confused and amused.

"What is it?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why are you looking at me?"

"Well, 'cause you're really handsome, and I love you a lot" she smirked "...and also, you're really cute when you look at Eliza like that, and it's really beautiful to see"

He chuckled a bit, and squeezed her hand. "What are you talking about?! I'm always cute!"

"...Yeah, I guess you're right" she giggled.

She turned back to look at their daughter, and happily sighed, resting her head on her husband's shoulder, as their fingers intertwined.

"...I'm so happy I have you and Elizabeth..." she softly said, smiling.

"Yeah, me too... you truly are the best thing that's ever happened to me..."

She looked up at him, and saw a smile form on his pink, plump lips, making her grin as well.


"Yes. My life would be totally empty, without you" he continued, his eyes meeting hers.

She felt her heart warm up and fill with joy, as she saw the pure happiness and love in his eyes. He really meant every single word of it.

She got a bit closer, and cupped his cheek with her hand, pulling him towards her and sweetly kissing him.

He smiled into it, and kissed her back, gently resting his hands on her waist, where he caressed her.

As air became a need, they slowly broke apart, and smiled, staring into each other's eyes.

"I love you so much..." he softly said.

"Me too" she giggled.

Jake wrapped an arm around her, and pulled her towards him again, making her rest her head on his shoulder once more, as he happily sighed and turned back to watch Eliza, playing in the playground in front of them.

The more he looked at her, the more she looked similar to his beloved wife.
From her beautiful y/e/c eyes to her contagious smile.

"She's just like you..." he continued "Like, a smaller version of you. With little hands and chubby cheeks"

She giggled, and snuggled against him more. "Yeah... I guess she is"

They stayed like that for almost an hour, enjoying each other's precence and the sight of their daughter happily playing and laughing, and then decided it was time to head back home.

The two walked hand in hand, with Eliza in the stroller, through the busy streets of the city, as the sun faded away behind the horizont.

It truly had been an amazing day.

A/N :/
Hey guys! Thanks for reading!
Someone asked for this, but right now I can't remember who, sorry :/
Anyway, hope you liked it, and... well, see you soon with the next update, I guess :)

- Franx

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