Panick Attack - Rod Kimble

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Y/n cheerfully walked outside the front door of her house, waving at Rod, as she quickly jogged towards him, backpack hanging from her left shoulder.

"Hey Rod!" she happily said, stopping right in front of him.

"Hi, y/n" he chuckled, sliding his hands in his pockets "Let's go"

It was the first day of school, the first day of their senior year. So exciting.

They smiled at each other, and started walking towards their high school. It was just half an hour away, and they had always went together, in the morning, ever since middle school.

They used to be in the same class then, but sadly things changed in high school, leaving their morning walks as the only time of the day they could spend together.

Rod would've loved to let her into his team, with the guys, and hang out after school too, but Y/n was too busy with her homework, she wouldn't have had time for that.

He smiled, noticing her enthusiasm.

"...You must be really happy to go back to school, huh?"

Confused, she tilted her head a little, turning towards him as they kept on walking.

"...What do you mean?"

"Well, no one's usually this happy, first thing in the morning... especially you" he said, trying to hide a chuckle.

"Oh, you're right" she thought for a moment, giggling "...Well, I guess I am, then!"

An awkward silence fell between them for a moment.

"...N-not because I want to study or anything, of course. N-no one wants that" she continued, clearly flustered and worried "...I-I just missed going to school"

"Yeah, I get that ...but it's not really the same for me"

"...Why is that so?" she asked, intrested, tilting her head to one side again.

"Well, I don't really get along with my classmates... they think I'm weird" he said, faking a chuckle to not make her uncomfortable.

He had never been really good at expressing his emotions, and he surely didn't want her to worry or pity him.

"...Don't you have those friends you do your stuntman stuff with? I thought they went to schook with you!"

"Yeah, but we don't go in the same class. Dave is in the one down the corridor of the second floor, next to yours, Kevin is a couple years younger than me, and since he's my stepbrother, they wouldn't have put us in the same class anyway, and Rico..."

He thought for a moment, perplexed.

"I don't even know if Rico goes to school, actually... so..."

"I didn't know that... it must be awful" she said, sincerely sad to hear that.

"Yeah... B-but it's ok, I mean..." Rod slightly blushed, stuttering " least I get to be with you for a bit, before I go to class"

Y/n thought for a moment, realizing what he meant after a while, and blushed too.

"Y-yeah..." she shyly smiled, her cheeks red, as she tightened the grip of her hand around her backpack "I'm happy about it too..."

They arrived in front of the tall, old building of their school at five minutes from eight.

Rod sighed, smiling, as he scanned through the crowd of students filling the courtyard in front of the main entrance, busy in various kind of activities.

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