Neighbors - Rod Kimble

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It was an awful day outside.
The clouds covered the sun, making the city look like a haunted funfair.

It probably would have rained later, and everyone knew that.
That's why the streets were empty, except for a couple of people walking their dogs.

Y/n tossed and turned under the covers.
It was almost midday, but she didn't feel like getting up.

Why would have she?
She had nothing to do anyway.

She closed her eyes, trying to fall asleep again, but her thoughts were too loud.

"You should kill yourself, nobody cares anyway" her brain kept on saying "What's the point of this?"

And he was right. What was the point of that? Waking up every morning with no reason left to live, sitting around the house doing nothing all day...

She felt worthless.

Unable to shut herself up, y/n sighed, and took her phone from the bedside table.

No new messages, as always.

She wasn't surprised, tho, nobody ever called or texted her.

She slowly got up from the bed, and walked downstairs, entering the kitchen to eat something.

She wasn't even hungry.

Suddently, someone knocked on the front door.

Y/n stayed still, confused.
"Who could it be?" she thought.

She slowly walked across the living room, and arrived in front of it.

She'd never liked talking to strangers.
Or people in general.

Taking a deep breath, she opened it.

In front of her stood a cute, tall guy, with messy chestnut hair and deep caramel eyes. He was wearing a weird denim jumpsuit, which made her grin a little.

"Hi!" he smiled "I'm Rod, I live here in the house next to yours"

"Y/n...N-nice to meet you, Rod" she stuttered.

Why was her neighbor there?

"So, ehm, I was wondering if you wanted to talk... you know, to get to know each other... I mean, I've seen you don't really know anyone around here, and..." he proposed shyly, scratching his neck.


She usually didn't like talking, especially to people she had just met for the first time, but he seemed ok, and having some company could've helped.

"...S-sure, seems nice... come in..."

Y/n quickly moved to her right, letting him inside her house. She felt so nervous.

Closed the door, y/n slighlty smiled at him, and showed him the way to the living room.

"It's a really nice place..." he said, sitting down on the sofa "...Do you live here on your own?"

"...Yeah, I moved here from Ohio a couple weeks ago... alone..."

"And why didn't your parents come with you?"

Y/n looked down at the floor, starting to play with her clothes, tugging the end of her t-shirt, as she used to do when she was nervous or upset.

"I-I'm sorry, I..."

"No, no, don't worry... it's not your fault..." she smiled shyly at him.

He felt so terrible for asking that.
Her eyes looked so sad...

"My parents are d-dead... they had a car accident a couple months ago..." she said softly, looking back at the floor, and then at her hands "...That's why I moved here..."

She moved a lock of hair away from her face. She could tell that saying that had made him uncomfortable, and tried to change the subject.

"...A-anyway, ehm... do you have your own place?"

"Oh, no... I still live with my family" he scratched his neck, embarassed "...I don't earn enough to go live alone, with what I do..."

"Well, I think that it's nice..."

"The fact that I'm broke?"

"No" she laughed "... the fact that you're still with them... I think it's cute"

She smiled, making him blush.

"...What do you do for living?"

"Well, I'm a stuntman, actually" he smirked, regaining his pride.

"Really? That's so cool!"

"Yeah... well, I'm actually going to jump the public pool next week, so... if you wanna come..."

"I'd love that!" she smiled "Wow... but how do you build all that stuff?"

"Oh, I have a team"


"Yeah! There's Rico, that builds the ramps, Dave, that takes care of the bike, and Kevin, my brother. He's the team manager"

"You have a brother?"

"Yes... well, he's my half-brother, actually. We have the same mother, but different fathers"

"Oh..." said y/n, surprised.

"She married Frank after my dad died... I don't think he likes me..." he said sadly.

"...That's terrible, Rod, I'm sorry..."

"Don't worry, I'll gain his respect, somehow" he smiled.

Y/n blushed.
Inside her stomach, a weird feeling.

"Must be because I skipped breakfast" she thought.

"...Ehm, do you mind showing me to the kitchen? I really need a glass of water..."

"Oh! Don't worry, I'll get it for you..." she said, quickly getting up and walking into the other room.

She took a glass from the shelf, poured some water in it, and went back to her guest.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a terrible host..." she smiled, embarassed, giving him the drink.

"It's not true" he laughed "Trust me, you're great... thanks, by the way"

"Y-you're welcome"

She blushed, looking at his lips, as they touched the glass. They looked so soft and warm...

"What am I doing?" she thought, ashamed of herself.

"Everything ok?" he said, concearned.

"Oh...o-oh, yeah, sorry... I think I zoned out for a minute..." she said, as her cheeks turned even more red.

"Crap, I'm late!" Rod said, looking at the clock on the wall in front of them "I'm so sorry, y/n, but I have to go... I promised Kevin we'd watch a movie together..."

"Don't worry, it's ok" she smiled shyly.

She walked him to the entrance, and leaned against the door, as he stepped outside.

"Thanks for the chat, y/n... it's been really nice..."

"No, thank you for coming! I was having a terrible day, before you arrived..."

"Well, glad to help!... I guess I'll see you around" he smiled.

"Yeah, see you around..." she said softly.

Rod started walking down the alleyway, and turned around for a moment, smiling again, before disappearing behind their shared fence.

Y/n blushed, feeling that weird sensation in her stomach again.

It wasn't just hunger...

A/N :/
Hey guys! I know nothing much happened, but I was kinda out of ideas...
Anyway, hope you liked it :)


Andy Samberg oneshots :/Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ