Photos - Jesse Abrams

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The car sped up through the empty highroad, splitting the cool breeze of autumn in half, like a butterknife cutting... well, butter.

Inside, two travellers were silently thinking about nothing in particular, lost in their own minds.

The one on the left, the driver, was a chestnut haired man, with caramel like eyes and a slightly arched nose.
His name was Jesse.

Jesse was almost thirty years old, twenty nine and eight months, to be exact, and was quite the artist.

He spent the majority of his time indoors, mostly reading or working on some new art, that he wished an art gallery would take and expose, some day. He would casually go out and take a walk in the park across the road, but only if he was feeling particularly inspired, or someone forced him to.

He was 1,77 meters tall, slightly shorter than many of his friends, which always made him the butt of the joke, and was in good shape, even tho he had a bit of unwanted belly on the lower abdomen. You could say he was handsome, even if not everyone's type.

On his pink, plump lips, an almost unnoticeable smile, that Jesse wasn't even aware was there.

'Why was he smiling?' you might ask. 
Well, to explain this, someone else needs to be introducted.

Next to him, on the passenger seat, there was a girl around the same age, with y/h/c hair, and y/e/c eyes.
Her name was y/n.

Y/n was just a year younger than Jesse, making her 28-ish years old, and was a bartender, in a pub a few blocks away from their shared apartment, where they had been living for a couple years.

Just like her roommate, y/n didn't go out much. Not because she didn't want to or had no one to go with, but most simply because her shift finished at four in the morning, and she usually ended up sleeping all day, since how tired she was.

Luckily, Jesse was a nightowl as well, and the two spent most of their nights together, since he would go there too and have a couple beers, when her shift was on.

In her dreams, y/n wanted to be a photographer. She had always wanted to be one, ever since she was a little girl, but someone had to pay the rent, and Jesse was better at doing house stuff, like cleaning, cooking, doing the dishes and all that other stuff, so...

She had a not too expensive camera, that even tho it wasn't the best one, made good photos, and when she had some time, which happened very rarely, she would try to go out and use it.

Currently, she was watchng outside her window, carefully studying the beautiful shades of red the sun painted on the fields beside the road.

In her mind, nothing in particular.
The only noise in her head was a Billie Eilish song, that had been stuck in there for the last couple minutes.

And even tho she wasn't aware she was, she had started singing it under her breath, humming and whistling too.

That's why Jesse was smiling.

She took her Nikon, that had been resting in her lap this whole time, and put it close to her face, squinting her eyes a little. Then, click.

"...How was it?"

The girl woke up from her trance, realizing her friend was talking to her, and warmly smiled, meeting his gaze for a second, before looking outside again.

"It was a good one, but nothing special, I suppose"

She looked down at her camera, into the little screen, and silently stared at the photo. A small grin of satisfaction appeared on her face.

"I highly doubt that"

"...What do you mean?" she looked up at him again, confused.

"Well, I know how the photos you take are, and I'm pretty sure this one's amazing, just like the others"

A bright red spread across her cheeks, painting them of the same color as the car they were in.

"Y-you really think that?"

"Yeah!" he chuckled, shifting his gaze towards her for a moment, and then back at the road.

She blushed harder, and looked away into the landscape on her right again, trying to hide it.

Little did she know that he had noticed, and was getting red as well.

"...Thanks" she shyly said.

"It's true" he smiled.

They stayed in silence for a bit longer. Then, Jesse got tired of it, and turned on the radio.

He flickered through some channels, before finally funding one that had some good songs, instead of people talking about nothing interesting.

Suddently, their favourite song came up.

Right at that moment, they locked eyes, wide grins of excitement spreading on their features.

"God, I love this one" he smiled.

"I know, me too!" she replied, before they both started singing it at the top of their lungs.

Another song ended, and y/n looked outside her window again.

On their right, at the other end of the field beside the empty road, the sun was setting, painting the sky of a beautiful orange, mixed with splashes of pink, blue and purple.

Her eyes lit up.

"Stop the car" she said, smiling excited.


"I said stop the car!"

"Ok, jeez..."

He pulled away from the highroad, into a little spot in the field, and turned off the engine.

Y/n quickly dashed out of the car, followed by a confused looking Jesse, who slowly did as well, waiting a few feet behind her.

She stared amazed at that beautiful sunshine, standing still in front of her friend's car.

It was like her body was petrified, as if she couldn't move, or the sun would've disappeared behind the hills, like a forest animal, that can easily scared, even by the most imperceptible sound.

Her hands, tightly gripped around her Nikon, were visibly shaking, and looked like they could drop it at any moment, filled with fear as well.

But in her eyes, pure joy.

She slowly lifted the camera to her face, squinting her eyes, and stood like that for a moment.

Then again, click.

She slowly put it back down, and stared at the sky a bit longer, before turning around to her friend.

"...Ok, I... I guess we can go, now"

Jesse smiled, and slid his hands in his pockets.

"We can stay here a bit more, if you want" he nonchalantly proposed, fully aware of how she would've replied.

"...But you said you wanted to be back home by nine..."

"Well, I say a lot of stuff" he chuckled "...It's not a problem, really"

She looked at the sunshine, and then back at him.

"Okay then" she smiled.

A/N :/
Hey guys! Thanks for reading!
Sorry for the long break I took, but I'm out of town with my family and I don't have much time to write...

I really like this one, to be honest.
It doesn't happen very often, since I usually hate everything I do, but this one... I don't know, it gives me good vibes.

Btw, if you're intrested, I think I might write a part two (I have to write so many, for so many other oneshots...).

Anyway, hope you liked it :)
- Franx

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