Help me (pt. 2) - Jesse Abrams

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Y/n slowly opened her eyes, and squinted them a little, trying to get comfortable with the bright lights of the room.

She felt really dizzy, and couldn't really understand what was going on, as she realized that she was no longer in her apartment.

She turned around, and saw Jesse, asleep in a chair, beside her bed.

He was resting against the backrest, but his hand was holding hers, and y/n couldn't help but blush.

She gently squeezed it, and he almost immediately woke up, smiling widely, as he saw she was finally awake.

"Oh God! You're back!" he exclaimed, looking as if he was about to cry "You're back!"

He quickly pulled his chair closer, and took her hand in both of his, trying to keep his tears from falling.

Tears of joy, and relief.

"Ehy..." she softly smiled, her voice still husky "What happened?"

"We're in a hospital. I find you sitting under the shower, freezing cold. I think you fainted, or something" he softly said, caressing her hand.

"Oh... how much have I been asleep?"

"All night. The doctors said you're gonna be fine, but they want you to talk to a specialist... they think you tried to..."

She saw his eyes get dark, all of a sudden, as he swallowed hard.

"...Kill yourself..."

She looked down.

She could tell that he didn't want it to be true. That it hurt him, that he had had a though night, that he was worried sick...

But it was.
She couldn't deny it.

"I did" she admitted.

Their eyes met once again, and in his, she could see he had so many questions, so many thoughts running around.

A few silent tears started running down his cheeks.

"...Why?" he softly asked, trying to understand.

She took a deep breath.
"I... I'm just tired, Jesse. Of all this"

"What do you mean?"

"...I just... I can't do this anymore! I feel so empty, so alone... I don't get why I should suffer like this. I don't wanna suffer like this"

"You feel... alone?" he asked "...Is it my fault? S-should I have been there for you more? I don't-

"It's not because of you, Jesse. It's not your fault, it's mine..." she continued.

"...But why? Why dying?"
Tears started falling more often, leaving a mark on his pale skin.

"Because it would be easier! Less painful!... Why does it matter?" she asked, ashamed, looking away "Nobody cares anyway, so-

"It's not true!"

She turned back to look at him, confused and angry.

Why was it so difficult to understand for him?

"It is! How do you not get it?! No one ever gave a shit about me-

"I do!" he shouted "I always did!"

He ran a hand through his hair, and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"Y/n, I've always been here for you. I always supported you, and did my best to help you. I'd do everything for you, and you know that... that's why I don't understand.

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