Period - Jesse Abrams

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Jesse was peacefully sleeping, when the ringing of his phone woke him up.

He squinted his eyes, reaching over for his phone, that was on the bedside table beside him, and looked at the screen.

It was Y/n, his girlfriend.

He took the call.
"Hey, hun" he said, his voice still husky.

"Hey babe, did I wake you up?"

"Don't worry, it's ok. I was gonna get up early anyway"

"...You know it's almost midday, right?"

Jesse turned around to look at the clock on the wall beside him.
It actually was almost midday.


Y/n giggled, then she groaned, as if she was hurting or something.

"Everything alright, hun?" he said worried "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, don't worry..."

"Babe, don't lie to me. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, I... it's just my period, it's hurting more than it usually does. But it's ok, I can deal with it"

"...Are you at work?"

"Yeah, until this evening" she sighed.

"...I can come pick you up, if you want to" he proposed, getting up from the bed.

"No, no, don't worry. I can handle it"

Suddently, the pain grew stronger, making her groan again.

"Fuck..." she muttered.

"...Ok, I'm coming there"

"No, babe-

"Wait for me, I'll be there in ten minutes"

She sighed, and smiled.
"...Love you"

"Love you too, hun"

Jesse quickly parked the car, and ran outside and into the building.

He didn't really know where to go, so he walked up to the front desk, where a lady was at the computer.

"Excuse me..."

The woman looked up, and politely smiled.

"Hello, sir. How can I help you?"

"Hi, I'm here to see my girlfriend, she works on the tenth floor..."

"The elevator's that way" she smiled, pointing to the her right.

"Thank you" he said, quickly going that way.

Just as the lady said, at the end of the room he found the elevator.

He pressed the button, and after a while, it arrived.

"Y/n, here I come"

They entered their flat, Jesse closing the door behind them, as y/n took her coat off.

"Thanks for coming, babe" she smiled "it was really nice of you"

"No problem" he grinned.

She quickly pecked his lips, and sat down on the sofa, not feeling very well.

"God, I fucking hate being a woman" she sighed.

"Well, let's see what I can do about that"

He quickly jogged off into their bedroom, and after a few minutes, he came back.

"Ok, all set and ready, your majesty" he smiled.

"What is?" she said, intrested.

"You'll see"

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