Starbucks - Han Solo Berger

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Y/n put on a fake smile, and got behind the counter, greeting the first clients as they came in.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks!" she said to the first lady, as she took her order "What can I get you?"

Her job was really boring. She had to talk and be nice to people who were in a hurry, and often very rude, and the worst part was that she had to smile all the time.

She came home every night thinking "Fuck, my cheeks hurt", and she was really tired of that.

Especially because she had no one to say that to. She was always talking to herself, alone in her flat.

Living alone was the worst.

But she had no choice.
She needed the job to pay her rent, and it would've been difficult to find another one.

It was New York, the Big Apple.
No one would have hired a 26 years old that got fired from Starbucks.
She had to keep that job.

She sighed, and smiled to the next client, as the first one went to her table, waiting for her name to be called.

"Hi, welcome to..."

She froze for a moment.

In front of her, stood a tall man, with short and slightly curly brown hair, deep caramel eyes, and a beautiful, shy smile.

He was one of the most cute guys she had ever seen since she had moved to New York from Chicago.

Nay, the cutest.
He was the cutest guy she had ever seen.

"Sorry, is everything ok?" he frowned, worried.

"Oh...o-oh yes, sorry... I just... zoned out for a second" she blushed, embarassed.

"Don't worry, I get it" he chuckled "It happens..."

He smiled at her, making her cheeks turn even more red, as she looked down to her hands to avoid his beautiful eyes.

"...And he's nice too!" she tought, taking a pen to write down his order.

"Ehm, so... what can I get you?"

"...I'll have a..." he said, looking up at the menu behind y/n "... Chai Creme Frappuccino"

"Anything else?"

"No, thanks"

"Ok, it's nine dollars, then" she shyly added.

He took his wallet from the back pocket of his jeans, and paid his drink, smiling at her for the whole process.

Y/n blushed once again, and gave him his change, touching his hand for a moment (by mistake) as she did so.


"Excuse me?" the stranger said, looking back at her. He seemed... distracted...

"Did he just zone out?"

"Your name... I need it to call you back here when your Frappuccino is ready" she said, giggling a little.

"Oh! Oh, yeah, sorry... it's Han. Han Solo" he said, embarassed.

Y/n looked up from her notepad, both confused and amused by his statement, and back down at the page, writing it down.

It wasn't weird tho, she was always given fake, funny names.

"...Big Star Wars fan, huh?" she joked.

"Actually, not really... my dad was..."

She grinned, looking back up at him and suddently realizing he wasn't kidding.

"Wait, so... it really is your name?" she said, confused.


"Your birth name?"

He nodded, chuckling at her reaction.

"That's amazing! It's so cool" she smiled, excited.

She had never met someone with a name that weird that is also both hot and nice.

"Well, actually, it's really frustrating when you're having a job interview and the boss thinks you're messing with him" he says, making her laugh.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." she grinned.

She heard someone cough from behind her, and turned around.

Her boss was staring at her, with folded arms and a frown on his face, and nodded towards the long line of clients behind Han.

She looked back at him, and sighed.

"Sorry... I'd really love to keep on chatting, but..." she said, pointing towards her boss "...I can't get fired..."

"Oh, yeah sure, don't worry about it... It was nice meeting you... y/n" he said, reading her name on the tag attached to her uniform.

"Yeah, it was" she giggled "...Well, I'll call you when the Frappuccino is ready"

"Great" he smiled, walking towards a table near by and sitting down.

She blushed for a second, feeling his eyes on her as he sat down, and kept on working, taking the next person's order.

A couple of minutes (and clients) later, her co-worker Allison nudged her, and handed her the drink.

"I thought you would've wanted to be the one serving him" she smirked.

"Thanks, Ally" she chuckled, taking it from her hands.

She wrote his name on the brown and white paper cup, and put on it a small, yellow post-it note, where she had scribbled something.

"Han Solo" she shouted.

Han smiled, and quickly jogged across the room towards her.

"Here's your Frappuccino" she giggled, giving it to him "Hope you like it!"

"Thanks, I'm sure I will" he smiled back.

She blushed, staring at him as he walked away, leaving the bar.

He was so cute.

As he walked out the Starbucks, Han couldn't stop thinking about that girl.

Y/n... what a beautiful name...

She was so pretty, and funny... he would've really liked to ask her out, but she was working, and it didn't seem a very appropriate thing to do.

"She must think I'm some weirdo..." he thought, walking down the empty street "...I mean, what kind of nerd has a name like mine..."

He brought the paper cup up to his lips to drink his Frappuccino, when he noticed a post-it on its side.

Confused, he turned the cup, and smiled, as he read it.

Hey Han, this is my number.
Text me later, if you want ;)
Ps. My shift ends at seven p.m.

He smirked, putting the note in his jacket's pocket, as he drank.

"I surely will"

A/N :/
Hey guys! Glad you're reading this!
I really wanted to write a story with Han, and yesterday, at 2 a.m., I had this idea... Hope you liked it :)

Ps. Sorry if it's taking me so long with the requests, but I'm writing this stories first because I'm worried I'll forget them, if I don't.
Anyway, I will soon, don't worry ;)


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