Come Over - Andy Samberg

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It was late at night, on a cloudy Saturday, the second one of October.

The clock on y/n's wall signed it was a quarter to midnight, but it was behind of almost ten minutes, so it would be more correct to say that it was only, more or less, five minutes to midnight.

Y/n didn't mind that.

The clock had been showing the wrong time for the last three years, and it was really frustrating, in the beginning.

But since she had always been very lazy, after a couple months, she had decided to just let it go, and had completely forgot about it. She never looked at it anyway.

This time, tho, it was really bothering her.

There she was, lied on her bed, with her back resting against the wooden backrest behind her, as she stared at the malfunctioning clock in front of her for no reason at all.

Well, actually, there was a reason.
She just ignored it.

The reason why she had been like that for the past thirty minutes, was that she needed something to distract herself.

From what?
From a lot of things.

Suddently, her phone rang.
It was beside her, on the bedside table on the right side of her bed.

She rolled her eyes, and reluctantly looked at it, lifting it a little to read the name of the caller, that had just popped up on the screen.

- Andy :3 -

She sighed, and put it back down, letting it ring.

It was the third time that he had called, that Saturday, and she knew why, she knew what it was about.

That's why she didn't answer.
To that call, and to the first two.

She knew he was just trying to be a good friend, checking in on how she was doing, but she didn't feel like talking about it.

She didn't want to be a burden.

Finally, after a couple more seconds, the ringing stopped, the room falling quiet again.

She felt bad for avoiding him, but she also knew that he would've understood and stopped.

Or so she thought.

A notification, the usual ping sound filling the silence for a moment, and the screen lit up again.

She turned once more, to find a text, or better, a series of texts. Again, it was Andy.

- Hey, everything ok?
I called, but you didn't answer.

Said the first message, soon followed by:

- I know you probably wanna be alone, but I also know how you cope with these things, and emotions in general, so please, let me at least know if you're ok.

And another:

- Please, talk to me. I'm worried sick about you.

Y/n looked at her phone, picking it up.
She didn't even unlock it, she just read from the pop up on the lock screen.

She smiled. Seeing him caring was really sweet, and heartwarming.

But then, the negative thoughts she had tired to avoid took over, and a silent tear fell on her cheek, followed by tons of other ones, making her sight blurry, and her hands shaky.

She put it back down, and sobbed louder. She couldn't keep it in anymore.
She lied down, hiding her face in the pillow, and bit her lower lip.

She then took a deep breath, and picked it up again.

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