Stories - Andy Samberg

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Y/n entered her bedroom, sighing.

She had just come home after driving her husband to the airport, and was feeling tired, as well as a bit blue.

He was going to be out of town for at least a couple weeks, to shoot some scenes of his new movie, and she missed him already.

The house wasn't the same, without him. She wasn't the same without him.
It felt like a part of her was missing.

She sat on her bed, and lied down, spreading all over the mattress.

Well, at least she had her bed all to herself now.

She giggled to herself for a moment.
Then, thinking about it, she realized it actually wasn't going to be better.

She hated sleeping alone.
Having Andy by her side during the night helped her keep her nightmares at bay.

And also during the day.
He just made her life a thousand times better.

"Just a couple weeks, y/n" she thought to herself, sighing again "just a couple weeks..."

She turned her head to her right.

Suddently, a warm smile spread on her face, as she noticed something she had completely forgotten for a long time.

She got up from her bed, and walked towards the tall wooden wardrobe at the other end of the room.

On top of it, a light brown box.
Not really big, but certainly not that small, and she knew really well what was in it.

She stood on her tippy toes, trying to reach it, but failing miserably.

She sighed, her whole feet touching the cold floor again.

She quickly left the room, and came back, a few moments later, with a ladder.

She put it in front of the wardrobe, quickly climbed it, and took the box, a proud grin on her face.

She then sat back on the bed, putting it on her lap.

"Gosh, it's been so long..."

She opened it, putting the lid next to her, and from inside, she took her Polaroid and the photos she had taken with it.

She smiled warmly, feeling the nostalgia of the old days welcome her.

Suddently, the front door opened.
"Mom, I'm home!" she heard Sarah, her daughter, shout, as she closed it behind her.

"Mom? ...Oh, here you are!" she smiled, coming in the room.

She sat down beside her mother, curious.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing, honey. Just looking at some photos" she smiled.

"Can I see?"

"Sure! Come here..."

Y/n took the first photo out.

Y/n took the first photo out

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