Mistake - Jake Peralta

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*Warning: slight smut*

Y/n laughed at his awful joke, taking another sip of her beer.

It usually wouldn't have been funny enough to make her laugh, but she already was a bit tipsy, and everything was hilarious to her, right now.

Especially if it came out of Jake's mouth.

The chestnut haired man, with his stunningly beautiful smile, chuckled.

"Get it? Because it's 'yamaha' " he tried to explain, a little too drunk as well "and-

"Yes, Jake, we get it" Amy cut him off.

"...Then why aren't you laughing?" he said, genuinely confused.

Charles, Rosa and Gina shared a worried look, and almost simultaneously took another sip of their drinks, waiting to see what would come next.

"Because it's not funny" she continued, rolling her eyes.

"W-what?! Yes it is! It's hilarious!" he exclaimed.

A weird silence fell on the booth.

"Guys! Wha- seriously? ...Charles! Y-you liked it, right? You always like my jokes!"

"...No, sorry..." Charles said, guilt spreading across his features.

"What?! ...Gina?"

"No, not at all... sorry, kiddo"

"Yeah, it wasn't funny" Rosa added.

"Oh, shut up! Y-you're not funny!" he said, almost angry.

Then he saw y/n, still giggling a bit, and his face lit up.

"Ah-ha! See? Y/n is laughing! So it is funny!" he triumphantly said.

"Jake, she's drunk" Amy crossed her arms in front of her chest "Of course she is"

"No I'm not!" Y/n replied, clearly lying.

"Yes, you are, and you should really stop drinking. I think you had enough beers, for tonight..." Charles intervened, worriedly taking the bottle out of her hand.

Defeated, Jake sighed.

"It's not fair..." he muttered to himself.

Suddently, Gina looked at her watch, and clapped her hands together.

"Well, guys, it's been fun" she said "But it's getting late, and I have two episodes of Grey's Anatomy to see, before tomorrow, so..."

"But it's just midnight!" Y/n exclaimed, sad.

"I know, but doctor 'Handsome' won't wait for me, darling"

"...You mean Shepherd?" Charles cut in.

"Excactly" she smiled "...Goodnight! Let's go, babe"

"Sure. Bye guys" Rosa nodded to the others, following her girlfriend out of the bar.

"...I guess I'm gonna go too, it's getting late" Amy sighed.

"What? But it's Saturday!"

"Actually, I have to go too. I have a family reunion, tomorrow..." Charles added.

"You too?" Jake said "What's up with you guys, tonight?"

"Sorry, man, nothing personal. See you guys on Monday" she smiled, taking her purse "Goodnight"

"Sorry, Jake..."

"No, no, it's ok, I get it... goodnight" he sadly smiled.

"Ok... night"

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