Help Me - Jesse Abrams

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It had been a really long day, and Jesse was tired. All he wanted was his bed, a book and a hot cup of tea.

He sighed, parking outside the building, and turned off the engine, remaining there for a moment, before finally climbing out of the car.

It wasn't very cold outside, but he had just a sweatshirt on, and was starting to shiver, so he quickly entered, and got into the elevator.

After a few floors, it opened again, and he walked outside.

Arrived at the end of the corridor, he turned to the left, and stopped in front of his flat, taking the keys from his pocket.

He put the right one in the lock, turning it a couple times.

He was finally at home.

Sighing, he closed the door behind him.
"Y/n, I'm home!" he shouted to his roommate.

They had been living together for almost three years, now, and Jesse knew for sure she was at home.

Her shift at work ended at seven o'clock, and it was almost nine p.m., so, unless had forgot to tell him she had, she most definitely was there.

Not hearing any response, he walked over to her room, and found it empty.

He started being worried, but then heard noises coming from the bathroom, and realized she was in the shower, and probably hadn't heard him.

"Well, I guess I'll wait" he shrugged, sitting down on the sofa "Let's see what's on tv..."

Ten minutes had now passed, and y/n still hadn't come out.

At first, he didn't think to much about it, but then he remembered that she usually never spent so much time in the shower, and started getting nervous.

Something felt wrong.

He quickly turned off the tv, and got up, walking towards the bathroom.

He knocked a few times, but heard nothing: except for the running water, there were no sounds coming from the other side of that door.

"Y/n?" he worriedly called "...Y/n, is everything ok?"

He waited for a moment, and knocked again, louder.


Still nothing.

He ran a hand through his hair, thinking about what to do, and tried to open the door.

Luckily, it worked, and Jesse sighed of relief. He was still scared, tho.
"I-I'm coming in, ok?" he said.

He slowly walked into the room.
At the end of it, the shower.

He looked around, and found her bathrobe abandoned on the floor.

He picked it up, hanging it back where it usually was, and carefully got closer.

From outside, the shower looked empty, but she had to be in there, there was no other explanation.

"Y/n?" he called, growing more and more worried.

He took a deep breath, and opened the glass door, covering his eyes.

He thought she would've screamed, or said something, but she didn't.
Confused, he put his hand back down, and saw her.

She was sitting on the floor, in the corner of the shower, and was still fully dressed.

She was resting her head against the cold wall beside her, as the water ran down on her body.

Her eyes were open, but she didn't seem to be looking at anything in particular.

She almost seemed... dead.

"Y/n!" he exclaimed, quickly kneeling down beside her, without even turning off the water.

He took her face in his hands, turning her towards him to look at her.

Her skin was really cold and pale, and you could almost see her veins, through it, like if it was invisible.

He saw her eyes trying to focus on him, and then wander around the room again. Was she even conscious? Did she know where she was?

"Y/n, please... what happened?"

Tears started slowly running down his cheeks, as she remained silent. He was so scared...

They had known each other since they were little kids, and Jesse couldn't imagine living without her.

She was his best friend, the closest thing to a sister he had ever had.
He didn't want to lose her.

"Y/n!" he screamed.

He quickly turned off the water, and picked her up from the floor, carrying her bridal style outside the shower.

Her head fell on his chest, resting against it, as their wet clothes dripped all over the living room's floor.

"Please, don't leave me, y/n, please" he whispered, leaving her down on the sofa.

He put a blanket over her, and took his phone from the coffee table, dialing the emergency number.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"M-my friend is unconscious, I-I think. She's been under the shower for a lot, a-and is really cold, I think she could have hypothermia... please, s-send an ambulance, I-

"Calm down, sir, everything will be alright. What's your address?"

"Lincoln Ave, 903. T-third floor. Ehm... the n-name is Abrams/(y/l/n)"

"The ambulance is on its way, ok? Keep her warm, and in a few minutes they'll be there, sir"

"O-ok, thank you"

"Everything will be alright, don't worry"

He hung up, and sat down beside her, still shaking.

He took her hand in his, caressing it, and with the other one moved a flock of wet hair behind her ear.

"Please, y/n, don't leave me" he cried, as the tears started falling more often "Please..."

A/N :/
Hey guys! Thanks for reading!
This is a bit darker than usual, but I wanted to write something different.
Don't worry, I'll release the part two soon. Anyway, hope you liked it :)

- Franx

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