Reporter - Andy Samberg

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*Warning: slight smut*

She had been following him for days, trying to catch him in the right pose at the right time.

She had took a thousand photos of him already, but every time, her boss said they weren't good enough, and she had to start all over again.

God, she hated her job so much...
The hours were long, she had to walk and wait a lot, and she could never stay off guard, because even the slightest distraction could lead to her firing.

The only good thing was the pay.
It wasn't too much, but it was high enough to let her pay her rent and still have some money left for herself.

She sighed, and took another sip of her coffee, that by now, was more than cold.

He was still inside the NBC offices, and y/n had no idea how soon he would've come out. All she could do was waiting.

But it was almost two a.m., and she already felt really tired. She wouldn't have resisted much longer.

Luckily for her, just a few minutes later, the target left the building, starting to walk down the empty New York streets.

She smiled, getting up from the bench where she was seated, and followed him, being careful to keep a long distance between them, as she tried not to be seen.

She took her camera from her purse, and took some pictures, groaning, as she realized they were blurry.

She had to wait until he stopped walking, and then she could've taken it again.

She started speeding up a bit, seeing him cross the road, and felt her breath getting short.

"Damn, he's fast!" she thought.

He walked a few blocks more, and suddently, turned to his left, and disappeared into an alley.

Confused, she quickly jogged towards it.

She had been after him for almost a week, and he had never took that route before.

She turned, and as soon as she stepped out of the main road, she felt her body being pushed against the wall behind her.

"So... I noticed you've been following me, lately..." Andy smirked.

Y/n felt scared.
Was he going to hurt her? Was he angry? Pissed? She couldn't tell.
That was the scariest thing.

"I-I'm sorry, mr. Samberg, I-

"Shh" he said seductively, gently putting a finger on her lips "...I do the talking, here"

He pined her to the building behind her, making her shiver, as she felt the cold concrete against her back.

She gulped.
In the long list of celebrities she had followed and took pictures of for the magazine, he surely was one of the most cute and funny ones.

She would've never imagined he could also be so hot.

"...Why are you taking pictures of me?"

His left hand was beside her head on the wall, and the other one rested in his pocket, but his eyes where both on her, staring straight into her y/e/c ones.

God, they were so beautiful...

"I-it's my job, sir... my b-boss told me to" she stuttered, still in shock.

"So you're a reporter, huh?" he asked, as a cheeky grin spread on his face "...I thought paparazzi were only middle-aged guys, but I see there are exceptions..."

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