Back Home - Conner Friel

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*Warning: slight smut*

Y/n was alone, in her house in LA.

She was watching some Netflix on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket and with Maximus, her husband's turtle, on her lap.

Conner was away, and had been for almost six months. He and the boys, his best friends Lawrence and Owen, were, in fact, on tour, all over Europe and America.

She had joined them for the first four months, following them in every location, attending the concerts, going to the afterparties...

But then, in mid June, she had to leave to go back home, because of some appointments she couldn't reschedule and other problems.

So she took a flight from Milan, in Italy, to LA, and stayed there for the rest of the tour, that meant a month and a half away from her beloved husband.

She felt really lonely without him, and even tho they videocalled every evening, before and after the concerts, she still missed him a lot.

She sighed, as Netflix's 'Are you still watching?' popped up on the screen, and thought "No, not really", turning the tv off right after.

She gently put Maximus down, and got up from the sofa, still wrapped in her blanket.

On the clock on the wall beside her, she saw it was almost four a.m., and even tho she probably should've gone to sleep, she didn't feel tired, and decided to do something else.

But y/n actually was tired.
She just wanted to wait and see: deep down, in fact, she hoped Conner would've come home early and surprise her.

So she went into the kitchen, yawning, and since she was in denial, she made herself a coffee, the opposite of what you should do if you need to sleep.

A few minutes later, it was ready.
She poured it into a cup, put some milk and a couple spoons of sugar in it, and started drinking it, sitting on the sofa again.

Once her drink was finished, she took a book that she had started recently, Good Omens, and read another twenty pages, when suddently someone knocked on the door.

She felt her heart skip a beat, and turned around, both surprised and scared.

Who could it be?

She quickly ran to the bedroom, and took Conner's baseball bat out of the wardrobe, ready for any eventuality.

On her tippy toes, she went back into the living room and towards the front door. Ready to hit, she lifted the bat above her shoulder, and carefully opened the door.

Outside, with his bags and a wide smile on her face, stood Conner, her husband.

Her eyes lit up, and the bat fell on the floor, as she immediately hugged him, tears of joy falling down her cheeks.

"Conn! You're back!" she exclaimed "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Hey babe" he softly said, happy "Can I come in? It's a bit cold outside..."

"Oh! Yes, sure. Sorry" she said, quickly stepping apart and letting him come in.

He left his stuff down beside the door, after closing it, and took his wife's face in his hands, pulling her into a sweet, much needed kiss.

She melted as his lips touched hers, relaxing under his touch.

A touch she had missed, that she had learned to savour and enjoy more, woth the time they had spent apart, a touch she had been starving for, and knew that it had been the same way for him as well.

Andy Samberg oneshots :/Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ