Hot - Rod Kimble

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*Warning: smut*

Y/n and Rod where lying in bed in their small, new apartment.

It was the middle of July, and by now, the city was hotter than ever, keeping the two from falling asleep.

"...Still awake too, huh?" Rod sighed, turning his head to look at his girlfriend.

"Yeah... God, I hate summer..."

"Me too"

They were both lying on their backs, with the minimum amount of clothes on, meaning Rod was in his boxers and Y/n in a t-shirt and some cotton shorts.

He lazily got up, and walked around the bed, arriving to the other end of the room.

His girlfriend followed him with her eyes, and sighed, as he opened the window and nothing changed.

"Seriously?" he complained "Not even a little breeze?"

He stared at it for a moment, frowning, and went back to his side of the bed.

"Thanks for trying, babe" she softly said.

He weakly smiled at her, and stared up at the ceiling, starting to gaze at her more and more often, until he finally admitted it.

"...You know, if it wasn't so damn warm, I'd definitely ask you if you wanna do it" he chuckled.

"...Do what?"

"Have sex! Of course!" he exclaimed.

"Oh! Yeah, right. Makes sense..."

"What else could I mean?"

"I don't know, I just..." she shrugged, giggling.

They laughed for a while, and fell silent again. Or at least, for a moment.

"...Anyway, I think I'd say yes" she continued "But it's too hot to do it, tonight, so... I guess we'll have to wait"

He silently nodded, and thought about it for a moment.

"But, I mean..." he proposed "...We could do it anyway..."


"Why not?"

"It's hot!"

"Well, I also am, and that never stopped you before, so..." he smirked, getting closer.

"Babe, I'd love to, but seriously... another time, ok?"

He sighed, and lied back down.
"Fucking summer..."

Y/n giggled, and closed her eyes, finally drifting off to sleep.

A few hours had by now passed, and y/n slowly woke up again.

She could see the room was still dark, and checked the alarm clock on her bedside table.

She softly sighed, as she realized it was still pretty early in the morning (or late at night, it depends on how you wanna see it).

She tried to fall asleep again, but it was all useless. She couldn't.

Suddently, she felt a hand on her hip, and shivered.

It was Rod's.

"Can't sleep either, huh?" he whispered in her ear, slowly moving up and down her side.

"Yeah..." she softly sighed, trying to hide the excitement his husky voice was making her feel.

She knew where he wanted to go with that conversation, but she really didn't want to, right now. She felt tired, and he too needed to get some rest.

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