Sick - Andy Samberg

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*knock knock knock*

"Come in..."

Y/n walked into Andy's room, a cup of steaming hot coffee in her hand.

"Hey Andy... how's going?" she softly asked, sitting at the end of his bed.

"How do you think it's going? This headache is killing me, and my throat is so sore that my voice sounds like sandpaper"

He coughed a little, sighing immediately after.

"It's great!" he said sarcastically.

She looked at him, sad to hear that.
He had been like that for a couple days already, and was pissed.

Not just because he couldn't go to work, where he spent basically all of his time, but also because he could do literally nothing without his head spinning or something like that.

In fact, he had been lied in his bed, wrapped in his grey blanket, the majority of the time he had been home.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude..." he apologized, sitting up a little from the worm-like position he was in before "I'm just really tired to be doing nothing all day..."

She smiled warmly.
"Oh, don't worry, it's completely normal. I'd probably feel the same way, if I was you"

He weakly grinned, happy she could understand. Then he noticed the cup she was holding.

"Is that coffee?"

"O-oh, yeah! I almost forgot" she chuckled "It's for you. I thought it could make you feel better"

She handed it over, and Andy took it with both hands, realizing that the grip of only one of them wouldn't have been enough.

"I-I mean, it's not much, but... better than nothing, right?" she nervously laughed, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear "...I don't know, I thought it could help..."

"It's really kind of you, Y/n. Thank you" he said, looking at her and then down at the cup again, sincerely amazed by her gesture.

"No big deal, really..."

"Well, I appreciate it. A lot" he smiled "...It really means a lot to me"

She blushed, and quickly looked away, feeling butterflies run wild in her stomach.

"...You're welcome, then" she shyly said, playing with that same lock of wild hair again.

Andy and Y/n had been roommates for a while, now.

He was already living in that flat with his two bestfriends, Jorma and Akiva, and had been for basically five years.

But Kiv had a girlfriend, and some months before they had decided to go live together, leaving a room empty, in the flat of that magic trio.

That's when Y/n came in.

She had just moved to the city to follow her dreams of becoming a writer, and knew no one in the city.

So that advertisement in the paper had been a miracle.

She called the number, and met them a couple days later, immediately making a good impression.

And just a week after, boom, she had two incredibly funny and cute roommates.

Who would've guessed that one of them would soon become her crush?

"Hey, ehm... shouldn't you be at work?" Andy asked, as he looked at the clock on the wall in front of him "I-I mean, I really appreciate you being here, but... I  wouldn't want you to get fired, you know"

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