Videogames - Rod Kimble

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*Warning: slight smut*

"Yesss!!! I win!" Rod exclaimed, jumping up from the sofa and throwing his hands up in the air.

Rico sighed, and muttered something, before getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

"Are you going to cry in the bathroom, Rico?" Dave smirked, teasing him.

He lifted his middle finger at him, and took another can of beer from the fridge, quickly opening it and chugging it.

Here they were, the whole team, drinking and playing videogames at Rod and Kevin's place.

They were celebrating.
What, you ask? Well, nothing in particular, actually.

They just needed an excuse to get wasted and play Mortal Kombat.

"So... who's next?" Rod grinned, sitting back down "Who wants to get beaten up?"

"I'll fight you" Y/n said, taking the other controller and sitting down beside him.

The guys laughed.

"Really, newbie? You think you can defeat me? I'm a master at this game"

"We'll see about that" she smirked.

She chose Raiden, and Rod chose Ermac. He always chose Ermac.

"Wait wait wait!" Dave said, before they could start the game "...You should bet something"

"Yes!" Kevin said, excited "Like your moped!... Or a kiss!"

"What? No, absolutely not..." Rod scoffed "My moped can't be exchanged with anything... and why should we-

"Ok, I'm in" y/n grinned.


"Come on, Rod, don't be a pussy!" Rico chuckled, sitting back beside Dave "...You do the bet, or you automatically loose the title of champion"

"...Ok, fine" he sighed "What are we betting?"

"What's the worst thing that could happen to you?" Kevin asked to his brother.

"...Loosing my moped, I guess"

"And what about you, y/n?"

"Kissing Rod" she smirked, folding her arms in front of her.

"Burn!" Dave exclaimed, high fiving her.

"Ok then! It's settled! If Rod loses, Y/n gets his moped, but if she loses, she has to kiss Rod" Kevin said.

"With tongue and everything, of course" Rico grinned.

Rod blushed, and coughed, trying unsuccessfully to hide it.

"Wait, that's not fair, tho! I can't get just a kiss, if she's getting my moped!" He complained.

"Right... well, she'll get it for two days, then. Is that good?"

"Yeah, much better"

"Y/n, are you okay with that?"

She nodded.

"Great... well, since there's a lot on the table, I'd say we're doing three matches. The first one that wins two, is the winner"

"Sounds good" y/n smiled.

"Oh, come on!" Rod sighed, as the girl won the second match, leaving the score on a tie.

"I guess this is the final" she smirked "Ready to be defeated?"

Rod really didn't want to loose that bet. He obviously didn't want to give her his moped, but he also wanted to kiss her really bad.

He had always liked her, ever since when she had joined the crew a couple years earlier.

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