The last monarch {132}

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Kenzo gathered his remaining strength, channeling everything he had into a single, devastating punch. He infused his fist with an unimaginable amount of mass, cocking it back in a display of raw power. The Dragon Monarch, ever the showman, grinned menacingly before unleashing a torrent of fire aimed directly at Kenzo's fist.

Ignoring the searing inferno, Kenzo pressed onward. He felt the fire devour the defenses he'd meticulously constructed around his fist, erasing them from existence. Pain seared through his hand, but he wouldn't falter. With gritted teeth, he pushed his fist closer, inch by agonizing inch, towards the Monarch's face.

The Monarch reveled in Kenzo's struggle, convinced that this would be the knight's final stand. Victory seemed within his grasp - another warrior reduced to mere dust.

But before he could react further, the world flipped on its axis. The Monarch found himself staring at his own back, a sickening feeling of dread creeping into his chest. As his gaze darted behind him, his eyes widened in disbelief. A towering knight, clad in obsidian armor, stood sentinel, its hand resting firmly on the back of the Monarch's neck.

Life drained from the Monarch's eyes as he witnessed Kenzo's silhouette, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "That was a good fight," Kenzo said softly, his voice laced with exhaustion.

A final, chilling smile stretched across the Monarch's face before his entire being dissolved into a shower of light particles, his reign of terror finally ended.

Kenzo's eyes shifted towards his savior, the loyal knight Igris. "Took you long enough," he remarked with a hint of amusement, despite his fatigue.

Igris bowed deeply. "Forgive the delay, my liege."

"No worries," Kenzo sighed, fatigue finally overwhelming him. He crumpled onto the ground, his domain flickering and collapsing around them.

As darkness claimed his vision for a fleeting moment, Kenzo's eyes fluttered open again. The scene that greeted him was one of devastation. A mountain of slain dragons lay before him, each one felled by his shadow soldiers. In the distance, Bellion sat stoically amidst a pile of what seemed like thousands of dead dragons.

Finally, Kenzo's gaze settled on his own hand, the charred evidence of the Dragon Monarch's final attack. A grimace flickered across his face, a stark reminder of the brutal battle he'd just endured.


Across the battlefield, Yuta Okkotsu was locked in a desperate struggle against Yogumunt, the Monarch of Transfiguration. Yuta, wielding his cursed sword, launched a series of fierce slashes, but Yogumunt displayed an uncanny dodge-ability, effortlessly evading each attack.

Yuta pressed on, closing the distance and thrusting his hand towards Yogumunt's face. As their fingers brushed, a strange symbol materialized above Yuta's mouth. He opened his mouth and uttered a single, powerful word: "Freeze!"

The effect was instantaneous. Yogumunt's body locked up, his cursed energy flow halted in its tracks. Seizing on this golden opportunity, Yuta conjured a powerful boxing glove made of cursed energy. He materialized behind the frozen Yogumunt, landing a devastating blow to the Monarch's face.

Yogumunt, propelled backwards by the impact, roared in frustration. But amidst his fury, a chilling realization dawned on him. His soul, his very essence, felt a foreign touch. Before he could react further, Yuta reappeared behind him, his hand pressed firmly against Yogumunt's back. Like a conduit, Yuta's cursed energy flowed directly into the Monarch, attempting to transfigure his soul.

Yogumunt's defenses kicked in, his cursed energy lashing out at Yuta, forcing him to break contact. Gasping for breath, Yogumunt glared at Yuta, his body radiating a dark aura. His transfiguration had been reversed, but the attack had left him visibly weakened.

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