First dungeon (3)

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After contemplating for a while, I made the decision to accept the quest, knowing that I would have to train rigorously to overcome the challenges that awaited me in the dungeon.

Time skip.

Inside a small, modest house, beads of sweat rolled down my forehead as I practiced hand-to-hand combat. Although I was still a beginner, I had managed to grasp the basic movements and techniques. Ever since I acquired my peculiar power, I found that I only needed a few hours of sleep, and using a status recovery item would restore my energy to its fullest.

In my determination to succeed, I devoted myself to daily training, pushing my body to its limits. Hours were spent watching instructional videos on various combat techniques, both armed and unarmed. Given my limited financial means, I resorted to using kitchen utensils as makeshift training weapons. A small knife served as a suitable substitute for a dagger, given its size and weight.

Each day, after completing my training, I would take a refreshing shower and consume a nourishing meal. Feeling revitalized, I reached into my inventory and retrieved the key that had been bestowed upon me. Inserting it into the lock, I turned it, and to my surprise, the door swung open to reveal a mysterious dungeon. Without hesitation, driven by curiosity and a sense of adventure, I stepped forward into the unknown, and as the door closed behind me, I felt a surge of anticipation.

Sighing audibly, I cautiously ventured along the dimly lit path of the dungeon, my steps deliberately soft to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. After a mere four minutes of exploration, I encountered my first formidable opponent.

Standing before me were a group of goblins, their ranks identified by their displayed level.


[Level 2]

HP: 100


MP: 10


Strength: 4 Vitality: 10

Agility: 3 Intelligence: 1

Sense: 3


Studying the goblins' stats, I quickly deduced that their overall abilities were inferior to mine. However, I noted that they wielded crude clubs, a weapon I lacked. Taking advantage of their limited senses, I strategized, hiding behind a large rock until one of the goblins passed by. Once it was out of sight, I emerged stealthily, positioning myself behind the unsuspecting creature. Summoning every ounce of strength within me, I delivered a swift and powerful punch directly to its head.

The impact was significant.

[Critical damage: 15]

The goblin's HP visibly decreased, and it appeared dazed. Without a moment's hesitation, I unleashed a barrage of punches, targeting the goblin's head with precision and intent. My goal was to exploit the stun effect, rendering the goblin defenseless. Blow after blow rained upon the creature until, finally, it succumbed to the assault. In response, a message from the system appeared before me.

[You killed a goblin]

[Goblin loot has dropped]

Curiosity piqued, I approached the fallen goblin and carefully searched its possessions, looting the club it had carried as well as the meager sum of 10 gold coins. Curiosity consumed me as I inspected the wooden club in my hands, seeking information.

[Wooden club]

[Item rank: Common]

[Description: A wooden club that deals 10% more blunt damage]

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