Jujutsu sorcerer (12)

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Time skip the next day.

"This motherfucker"I said as I was now in the middle of nowhere and now realize that Gojo gave me a map of Japan and just pointed somewhere and told me that where they are.

"The day that I get my hands on this man is the day, that I will beat his ass," I said to myself as I put the map down.

I then ran on the general direction of where he said jujutsu high was,

Time skip 3 hours.

The figure of a white haired man and pink hair teenager that looked very happy, they were also a gloomy black hair teen with them.

"Gojo sensei, which map did you give him," Megumi said after a while.

"The map of Japan of course, "Gojo said like it was the easier thing in the world.

A look of Why would you do this to him was plastered on Megumi's face while Gojo still had a goofy smile on his face.

"I think that him," Yuji said pointing toward the teenager that was running towards them.

He seemed a bit infuriated and as soon as he got in range Gojo said" Kenzo~kun why are you so late" as soon as those words left his mouth.

A punch stopped literally inches away from his fist as cracks formed where he stood.

"That is not a great way to greet your sensei," Gojo said acting hurt

"You gave me a map of Japan and just pointed somewhere randomly, how did you expect me to find this place," I said a bit mad but I cooled off pretty quickly as the effect of my power kicked in.

"You found it though, so no need crying over some spilled milk"He said with a smile, and I just sight, how can someone be like that, is he ok in the head.

"You are a real pain in the ass you know that," I said looking at him

He just smiled while I just started to just talk with Yuji and Megumi as I didn't want to spend the time we were walking on being mad at Gojo.

"Anyway, you will probably have to talk with Principal Yaga," Gojo said with a smile.

"What about we do that after we go to Tokyo," I said a bit less tense.

"Nice," Gojo said and I now just realize that this man had never removed his blindfold this whole time.

"Kenzo how did you manage to move so fast," Itadori asked curiously.

"I used mana"I answer bluntly and at those words I could clearly see that Gojo curiosity was peak and Yuji seem more curious.

"You don't use curse energy"Yuji said a bit confused.

"Oh you mean the energy curse are formed from, nah I don't use it matter of fact, I don't think my body even has a splitter of it in it" I said honestly

"Would you mind showing us what is mana?" Gojo asked

"Yeah sure I don't see why," I said as I formed a [Purification ball] in my hands and showed it to them.

"It seems calmer than curse energy and a lot purer" Gojo added before I stopped sending mana to my hands causing the ball to disappear.

"That is not nice Kenzo~kun," Gojo said sounding like, I was an adult that stole away a toy that he wanted to play with and experience with.

I just smile happy that I managed to annoy Gojo, although it was only slightly I did manage to annoy the strongest jujutsu sorcerer alive so that should count for something.

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