The childlike wonder {96}

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From his vantage point above, Kenzo's keen eyes observed the evolving dynamics of the battle. As Kashimo adapted and shifted the rules of his technique, the expected lightning strike transformed into a relentless barrage of fists. It was a subtle alteration, yet one that proved effective in its consistency.

Kenzo's gaze remained fixed on the unfolding spectacle, recognizing the strategic brilliance in Kashimo's adjustment. Instead of relying on a powerful but singular strike, Kashimo opted for a continuous onslaught. While each individual punch may have dealt less damage, the cumulative effect of a fifty-hit combo created a relentless assault that Mahito found challenging to evade.

The more hit Kashimo land,the more positive charge Kashimo land on Mahito and that also mean his negative charges on himself would be also attracted toward Mahito,turning this into basically an infinite combo that Mahito needed to escape.

As Kashimo's relentless barrage continued, Mahito found himself in a precarious situation. The creative and ever-adaptable Cursed Spirit needed a solution to break free from the seemingly infinite combo that Kashimo had unleashed upon him.

Using his transfiguration abilities, Mahito decided to manipulate his own form to counteract the accumulating positive charge. As Kashimo's punches landed, Mahito began altering his body at a rapid pace, turning parts of it into rubber and other insulating materials. This strategic use of transfiguration served a dual purpose – it not only lessened the impact of Kashimo's punches but also disrupted the magnetic attraction between their charges.

In doing so, Mahito skillfully navigated the complex dynamics of the electromagnetic forces at play. By adjusting the properties of his body with each strike, he created a temporary repulsion to counterbalance the accumulating positive charges. This allowed Mahito to evade the predictable cycle of attraction that could have turned the combo into an endless loop.

Mahito's creative and adaptive approach showcased his mastery over transfiguration, providing him with the means to break free from the potential infinite combo.

Despite the challenges presented by Mahito's adaptive transfigurations, Kashimo's excitement only grew. The fact that his opponent remained resilient and continued to respond to each punch with creative adaptations thrilled Kashimo to the core.

A wide grin spread across Kashimo's face as he reveled in the ongoing battle. The unpredictability and ingenuity displayed by Mahito fueled Kashimo's enthusiasm. For a battle junkie like him, the thrill lay not just in overpowering opponents but in the dynamic exchange of techniques and strategies.

As the fight progressed, Kashimo's eyes sparkled with excitement. He relished the opportunity to face a foe who could match his combat prowess, pushing him to refine his own techniques and explore new possibilities. The challenge posed by Mahito's resilience and adaptability only fueled Kashimo's desire for an even more exhilarating confrontation.

In the midst of the intense battle, Kashimo's heart raced with anticipation, savoring every moment of the thrilling exchange. The excitement of facing a worthy adversary fueled his determination to push the limits of his abilities and revel in the joy of a challenging fight.

With an exhilarating battle unfolding before him, Kashimo reveled in the satisfaction of finally encountering an opponent who wouldn't crumble with a single strike. The dynamic clash with Mahito provided Kashimo the challenge and excitement he had been seeking. The joy of facing a resilient adversary, capable of adapting and enduring, added a new dimension to the thrill of combat.

As the fight continued, Kashimo's appreciation for the struggle deepened. The prospect of a prolonged, challenging battle against Mahito filled him with a sense of accomplishment. This was the kind of fight that fueled his passion for combat, offering a chance to push his own limits and explore the full extent of his abilities.

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