Beating an octopus (75)

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Maki strode confidently through the area, a bowstaff tightly gripped in her hand, emanating an aura of strength. By her side were Nanami, Nobara, and Naobito Zenin. The atmosphere hinted at an impending mission, yet Naobito appeared disinterested, a drink in hand, as if he had more important matters to attend to.

"Shouldn't you be somewhere else right now, Maki?" Naobito slurred his words, his drunken demeanor contrasting with Maki's focused stance.

"No, I'm exactly where I need to be," Maki retorted, her response sharp and direct. The annoyance in her expression revealed a tension between duty and personal sentiments, a conflict that seemed to simmer beneath the surface.

Naobito chuckled, taking another sip of his drink as if he found Maki's response amusing. His nonchalant demeanor clashed with the gravity of their surroundings.

"Perfect place, huh?" Naobito's words were slurred with drunkenness, and a sneer played on his lips. "I didn't think they would let someone as weak as you on the battlefield."

Maki's grip on her weapon tightened, her annoyance palpable, yet she restrained herself from responding. Nobara, observing from behind, could sense the tension and a hint of anger that likely fueled Maki's disdain for the Zenin clan.

As they continued forward, their path intersected with an unexpected adversary – an octopus-like curse. Maki's eyes glinted with anticipation. "Finally something to do," she muttered, readying herself for combat.

Before Maki could reach the creature, Naobito surged forward, displaying a surprising burst of speed

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Before Maki could reach the creature, Naobito surged forward, displaying a surprising burst of speed. "You are slow," he said, freezing the curse creature in a momentary frame before delivering a powerful punch that sent it sprawling.

The cursed creature, seemingly harmless at first glance, staggered back to its feet. Then, unexpectedly, it emitted a mournful cry before regurgitating a torrent of water. To everyone's horror, the water contained the skeletal remains of numerous human victims – evidence of the creature's gruesome activities, a hidden menace that had taken the lives of countless innocent people.

Nobara, Maki, and Nanami stared at the grotesque display, a chilling reminder of the horrors they faced on the battlefield. The seemingly harmless creature had, in reality, been a harbinger of death, and the grim reality of their mission settled heavily upon the team.

"How many people did you eat?" Naobito's question hung in the air, but the creature offered no direct response. Instead, it began chanting the names of its fallen comrades, a macabre litany that spoke volumes about its grisly deeds.

Nobara, visibly disgusted by the revelation, couldn't fathom the cruelty the curse had unleashed. The creature, seemingly provoked by Naobito's question, erupted in a rage, accusing them of killing someone named Hanami. In a bizarre twist, the creature began tearing itself apart, undergoing a grotesque transformation.

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