Black flash (18)

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As my hand rapidly healed back to its original state, I couldn't ignore the growing threat surrounding Yuji. It was as if an invisible net was closing in around him, and I knew that these individuals likely harbored ill intentions.

The principal of their school, in particular, had a malevolent glare fixed upon Yuji. His eyes bore nothing but pure hatred, and it wouldn't be surprising if he ordered Yuji's elimination or, at the very least, crippling.

[Aoi Todo has been eliminated from the competition], the speakers echoed, seemingly motivating these people to hasten their dark designs.

I materialized in front of Yuji just in time to deflect an energy blast that had been intended for his heart.

"Are you alright?" I asked Yuji, who merely nodded affirmatively. That was all the confirmation I needed.

Turning my attention to our assailants, I noticed a commonality among them: none was as formidable as Todo. The realization brought a smile to my face.

Without hesitation, I lunged towards the individual encased in a massive mech suit and, with a single powerful punch, bore a hole straight through it.

[Mechamaru has been eliminated].

As the mech suit fell apart, I turned my attention towards the yellow-haired girl who had been trying to make her escape. With a snap of my fingers, I intensified her gravity by at least twentyfold, causing her to plummet back to the ground with a resounding thud that left her unconscious.

[Momo has been eliminated].

Amidst the ensuing chaos, I sensed a concealed attack hurtling towards me. Thanks to my heightened perception, I dodged it with the grace of a shadow, shifting to a vantage point where I remained unscathed.

Without missing a beat, I reappeared in front of Kamo, his eyes widening with dread as my fist met his face with an echoing crunch.

[Kamo has been eliminated].

With rapid precision, I dashed towards the blue-haired girl. She barely had time to react before my strike landed, rendering her unconscious with a swift blow.

[Miwa has been eliminated]

The odds were now overwhelmingly in our favor, leaving only Mai. Surrounded by a group of seven, her escape route was blocked, and it was clear she had no chance. Without a fight or a word, she wisely chose to surrender.

[Mai has been eliminated]

As the dust settled and victory was declared in our favor, I couldn't help but express my thoughts. "That was remarkably easy," I muttered under my breath, even though there was no one in particular I was addressing.

Gojo's voice then echoed through the speakers, praising our performance. His words only managed to irritate me further. However, my focus quickly shifted to Yuji, and I was genuinely taken aback by the change in him.

"Yuji," I said as I approached him, "you've grown significantly stronger."

A proud grin graced Yuji's face as he responded, "I put in a lot of hard work training."

Panda chimed in, teasing us both, "You could've spared a bit of that strength for us, you know."

With a nonchalant shrug, I replied, "I could have, but I didn't want to stand around waiting for you guys to finish whatever you were doing."

Yet, my casual demeanor took a sudden shift as I noticed the darkening sky. I began to look around, my curiosity mixed with concern. "I'm new to this whole jujutsu thing, but is the sky supposed to get this dark?"

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