She getting better (29)

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"Stop," Kenzo said suddenly to Maki couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and anticipation. She had been fully engaged in the battle, on the verge of discovering new levels of her own strength. Why did Kenzo choose to interrupt the intense exchange? What did he have to say?

Kenzo's mischievous grin widened, and he couldn't resist taking his teasing a step further. "Oh, so what you're saying is that you just can't get enough of me, huh?" he chuckled, his voice filled with playful taunting. "Well, I can't say I blame you. After all, who can resist this irresistible charm?"

His words were laden with playful banter and a hint of flirtation, intentionally designed to get under Maki's skin

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His words were laden with playful banter and a hint of flirtation, intentionally designed to get under Maki's skin.

He enjoyed pushing her buttons and watching her reaction, knowing that their dynamic thrived on this playful rivalry.
But more so on the fact that she wanted to beat his ass, which probably has a huge role play in it.

Heh, she won't get to beat his ass as of now she is the opposite of strong, maybe if she suddenly gets a huge powerbuff or something like that she may get a chance but he has a counter to that, and it is.

Spamming special grade level minion and jumping the ever living fuck out of her, a gang bang you might say......
That sounded so wrong.....he needs to stop spending time with Gojo.

This shit was affecting him too much.long story short, he grow very fast in a short amount of time meaning if she did get stronger than him he could just add a bunch of stats point he was saving and just become like twice as strong.....

Is unfair....probably, but Gojo exists so it balanced, Yep that is what he was going to use for every overpowered ability he get.

The excuse that Gojo exists...why..because Gojo is a fucking cheat...a cheat, how the heck can someone be so goddam bless with power and genetics like a dam.

As Maki stood there, a mixture of annoyance and amusement flickering in her eyes, Kenzo's teasing remark lingered in the air. He wanted to keep her on her toes, to maintain that playful tension between them that fueled their interactions.

With a cheeky grin and a glint of mischief in his eyes, Kenzo awaited Maki's retort.
it was definitely going to be rude.

Their connection thrived on this teasing and playful exchange, a constant dance of wit and banter that deepened their bond.

Maki's eyes narrowed slightly as Kenzo's teasing remarks washed over her. A mix of annoyance and amusement flickered across her features, showcasing her resilience in the face of his playful banter.

She was no stranger to Kenzo's teasing ways, and while it irked her at times, there was a part of her that found it oddly endearing.

Suppressing a smile that threatened to creep onto her lips, Maki mustered a defiant response. "Oh, please," she retorted, her voice laced with a hint of playful defiance. "Don't flatter yourself too much. I've seen better charm from a cursed spirit."

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