Mahito {74}

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Time skip.

Yuji and Megumi found themselves locked in a fierce battle against a peculiar-looking old man. His mustache and unruly hair added an eccentric touch to his appearance. The clash had reached a climax as they jointly slammed the elderly figure down a staggering 41 stories.

Concern etched on Yuji's face, he turned to Megumi, asking, "Fushiguro, you okay?" Megumi, meeting Yuji's gaze, replied with a nod, "I am fine."

As they scanned the surroundings, Yuji inquired, "So where is he?" Megumi pointed towards the motionless old man on the floor, "He's over there."

A sense of urgency filled the air. Yuji questioned further, "So is he dead?" Megumi, ever pragmatic, responded, "I didn't see him land; there is no blood around... get up, you old geezer."

In response to Megumi's words, the seemingly defeated old man stood up, defying their expectations. He cast a disapproving look at the two teenagers and remarked, "Cheeky kids, you truly have no respect for the elderly." With those words, he effortlessly broke free from the binds that had restrained him.

"We really can't afford the time to waste on you," Megumi asserted, his resolve apparent. From the depths of his shadow, his divine dog began to materialize.

"We won't," Yuji added, determination flickering in his eyes. In an instant, his hands were engulfed in a radiant aura of curse energy, signaling a readiness to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

With lightning speed, Yuji charged towards the old man, landing a powerful punch directly in his gut. A brief expression of pain flashed across the old man's face, a momentary crack in his composed demeanor. Confusion clouded his features — how was he feeling pain? His techniques were meant to...

Before the old man could complete his thought, Megumi's divine dog materialized before him, launching a swift and precise slash. Yet, to their surprise, the old man seemed unfazed. Apart from a mere scratch on his cheek, no significant damage was inflicted.

"A black flash it is, then," Yuji remarked nonchalantly, seemingly undeterred by the minimal impact of their attacks. The old man, now wearing a look of disbelief, eyed Yuji as if he were a force beyond comprehension.

The young man, Yuji, seemed to hint that he could execute a black flash at will. Before the old man could fully process this revelation, Yuji was upon him, delivering a punch that induced a nauseating sensation. The force behind the blow sent the old man flying several meters away.

Crashing to his knees, the old man struggled to catch his breath, bewildered by the intensity of the attack. What sorcery was this? How could this seemingly ordinary young man possess such overwhelming strength?

"Oh man, I didn't hit it this time," Yuji lamented, his disappointment evident in his voice. His hope of landing the black flash had eluded him.

"Remember what Kenzo-san told you, you can't use black flash and divergent fist at the same time," Megumi reminded Yuji, a stern gaze fixed on him. Yuji, in response, looked away, scratching the back of his head.

The old man found himself lost in confusion, unable to fully comprehend the concept of the divergent fist. Before he could delve too deeply into his thoughts, another forceful blow landed on his stomach. This one was more potent than the first, and the only reason he clung to consciousness was the activation of his defensive technique.

"Oh, so he finally felt it," Yuji remarked, observing the old man gasping for air.

"Let's finish him quickly," Megumi proposed, prompting a nod of agreement from Yuji. The duo prepared for the final assault.

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